Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Battle over health care continues, but children are still at risk
Moving forward, we hope to see states take a leadership role in reforming our nation’s health care. Bipartisan efforts by the nation’s governors give us hope that the lessons states have learned regarding Medicaid can be applied to the national debate.
Congress should heed McCain’s advice in dealing with health care
Many political pundits have suggested that after last week’s ill-fated vote, the health care debate in the United States is over. We do not believe that this is the case.
Services, not prison, the answer to getting at root causes of addiction problem
After spending 25 years in law enforcement as a sheriff’s deputy, a sergeant, and a federal security adviser, reading the new American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) report on Arizona drug sentences brought some painful memories back.
McSally: Now is the time to stabilize individual insurance market
The facts are that the individual insurance market, where about 7 percent of Americans get their health insurance, is not healthy.
The CEOs speak
Arizona business leaders speak out on education and how best to prepare the nation's youth.
Conservation accord is progress toward much-needed Colorado River deal
Overall, the agreement represents incremental progress – but even more significant may be the much-needed spark it provides to re-energize drought contingency discussions within Arizona and across the entire Colorado River Basin.
Coalition fighting for ‘dreamers,’ immigration reform
Ultimately, we believe the best way forward is comprehensive immigration reform that provides permanent legal status and a path to citizenship for the millions of undocumented immigrants living in the shadows today.
Legality of Pinal County transportation sales tax carve-out questionable
Pinal County is asking voters this November to approve a half-cent sales tax to fund regional transportation projects. Notwithstanding the failure to advance legislation that would allow the county to levy the tax at varying rates among different classifications, the county is proceeding with ballot language to do just that.
Missing 8th grade advanced math scores skew test results
One in five Arizona eighth-graders is not included in state reported figures of the AzMERIT math exam, a required test for all public school students – district and charter, according to newly released data analysis by the Center for Student Achievement.
Medicaid cuts are a matter of life or death for people with disabilities
The only reason I am able to have such a full life is Medicaid. Medicaid provides vital services to people with disabilities through a state-federal partnership that finances coverage for those who qualify. The program has successfully provided care to the most vulnerable Americans for the past 50 years.
Jail reform must address mental health, substance dependence
Though it is too often ignored in the criminal justice reform dialogue, treating the mentally ill and drug addicted as patients instead of criminals should be a focal point for reform.
The escalating wave of violence in political protest must come to an end
As author of a book documenting the shooting of former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and a frequent socio-political commentator on issues of local and national importance, I am appalled by the epidemic of violence in political protest sweeping our nation.