Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Banning ballot harvesting boosts elections integrity
From the perspective of a leader of an organization dedicated to true voter engagement, the new law banning ballot harvesting will have a positive effect on our future elections.
Meet my daughter: MLK Diversity Award recipient running for House of Representatives
I am shocked and appalled to see this publication diminish my daughter to her relationship status, the same woman who received the 2016 Martin Luther King, Jr. Diversity Award in Tempe for her leadership in the community.
Arizona communities could learn from Oklahoma City’s turnaround
Arizona communities could learn from Oklahoma City’s turnaround
Bad guys are watching – are you prepared?
Earlier this week forensic experts confirmed a second instance of sophisticated attacks on banks using the Society for the Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (or SWIFT) financial messaging system.
Despite reservations, Prop 123 needed
As the Prop 123 election draws to a close and sentiment around it is more polarized, we need to underscore the importance of its passage. While admittedly imperfect, it does provide a way to get beyond the long-standing school inflation lawsuit.
Prop. 123 opponents resort to desperate tactics
Prop. 123 is supported by a broad coalition of members of the education community, the business community, Republican and Democrat officeholders, and parents and teachers. Together, we can make a sustained and responsible investment in public education.
Improving Arizona’s education system will take all of us
While we debate what it takes to fortify Arizona’s future workforce, we must also consider what citizens, organizations, educators and governments can do to transform our schools and our inner-city neighborhoods, too.
Interference by government and utilities costs Arizona thousands of solar jobs
The Arizona Solar Energy Industries Association board of directors has mixed feelings regarding the voluntary ending of the “Yes on AZ Solar” initiative and the withdrawal of the two APS backed and anti-solar legislative referrals in the Arizona Senate.
Pot-smoking journalists shouldn’t be writing about marijuana
But I’m also a psychiatrist who has spent 30 years treating addicts and alcoholics, and I know this: There’s nothing Fox News has ever been accused of that the mainstream media isn’t also doing — for marijuana.
Vote yes for Prop 123 to help strengthen education system, state
With the special May 17 election quickly approaching, Arizona’s voters will soon head to the polls to vote on Proposition 123, which will provide an adequate K-12 funding resolution for students and schools moving forward.
KidsCare is an important health resource for Arizona families
In my five decades of providing medical care to Arizona children, I have realized that Medicaid (AHCCCS) and KidsCare (Arizona’s version of a Children’s Health Insurance Program, known as CHIP) are critical for low-income families. KidsCare has been frozen since 2010, and the Legislature now has the opportunity to include lifting the freeze in their budget negotiations, while the federal gover[...]
Fireworks legislation a disaster waiting to happen
Arizona heads into summer 2016 with forecasts once again showing a potentially charring fire season ahead.