Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Pot-smoking journalists shouldn’t be writing about marijuana
But I’m also a psychiatrist who has spent 30 years treating addicts and alcoholics, and I know this: There’s nothing Fox News has ever been accused of that the mainstream media isn’t also doing — for marijuana.
Vote yes for Prop 123 to help strengthen education system, state
With the special May 17 election quickly approaching, Arizona’s voters will soon head to the polls to vote on Proposition 123, which will provide an adequate K-12 funding resolution for students and schools moving forward.
KidsCare is an important health resource for Arizona families
In my five decades of providing medical care to Arizona children, I have realized that Medicaid (AHCCCS) and KidsCare (Arizona’s version of a Children’s Health Insurance Program, known as CHIP) are critical for low-income families. KidsCare has been frozen since 2010, and the Legislature now has the opportunity to include lifting the freeze in their budget negotiations, while the federal gover[...]
Fireworks legislation a disaster waiting to happen
Arizona heads into summer 2016 with forecasts once again showing a potentially charring fire season ahead.
Arizona GOP elite says Trump voters don’t matter
On March 22, 286,743 Arizona voters cast their ballots for Donald Trump to be the Republican Party presidential nominee. Ted Cruz got 172,294 votes - fewer votes than Bernie Sanders - in a state that is supposed to be conservative.
Arizona’s voice in national water policy discussions
The drinking water crisis in Flint, Michigan, is a stark reminder of how we need to be vigilant when it comes to managing our water supply and planning for its future.
Nobody wants flex loans except out-of-state lenders
Representative J.D. Mesnard is wrong. Arizonans do not want payday lenders’ “flex loans.”
Do not ‘fix’ SB1324. Repeal it.
Three weeks ago, the Arizona Legislature, heeding a call to “protect women’s health,” passed SB1324. This bill mandated that doctors adhere to an outdated medication protocol when administering drugs for a medication-induced abortion. Ignoring medical studies, scientific evidence, and the standard of care, our legislators said that in this case physicians had to follow the FDA precisely, as [...]
Arizona’s children can’t languish in a malaise of more trauma and neglect
Have the Legislature and governor finally given up on Arizona’s children? Is there Department of Child Safety “DCS fatigue?” Have the Legislature’s and the governor’s frustration and disappointment in DCS with its lack of any reliable results for children rendered them powerless to do anything about it?
Following the money
Government spending transparency websites give citizens and government officials the ability to monitor many aspects of state spending in order to save taxpayers money, realize more efficient government administration, enjoy more competitive bidding for public projects, and spend less staff time on information requests.
Don’t chain Arizona’s watchdogs
Like any good joke, timing is everything. House Speaker David Gowan demonstrated peculiar timing this week.
Congress must pass the Employees Rights Act
Arizona’s economic success in recent years can be attributed to our pro-business environment, fiscal conservatism and common sense approach to government regulation. But it is Arizona employees that make and keep businesses strong. Their skills and productivity are the foundation success is built upon.