Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Arizona’s children can’t languish in a malaise of more trauma and neglect
Have the Legislature and governor finally given up on Arizona’s children? Is there Department of Child Safety “DCS fatigue?” Have the Legislature’s and the governor’s frustration and disappointment in DCS with its lack of any reliable results for children rendered them powerless to do anything about it?
Following the money
Government spending transparency websites give citizens and government officials the ability to monitor many aspects of state spending in order to save taxpayers money, realize more efficient government administration, enjoy more competitive bidding for public projects, and spend less staff time on information requests.
Don’t chain Arizona’s watchdogs
Like any good joke, timing is everything. House Speaker David Gowan demonstrated peculiar timing this week.
Congress must pass the Employees Rights Act
Arizona’s economic success in recent years can be attributed to our pro-business environment, fiscal conservatism and common sense approach to government regulation. But it is Arizona employees that make and keep businesses strong. Their skills and productivity are the foundation success is built upon.
Water decisions should return to city council where they belong
Water is the lifeblood of our communities. This natural resource nourishes every aspect of Arizona, from our people to our economy. As Governor Ducey has outlined, water requires a proactive and pragmatic approach with local consultation to ensure that each of the 22 water planning areas across Arizona are being effectively managed and protected.
Arizona should move forward on its Clean Power Plan
Climate change is too serious a problem to delay. Arizona is correct in moving forward.
Why is Arizona complying with a costly plan halted by the Supreme Court?
Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court took the unprecedented step of issuing a stay against President Obama’s massive “Clean Power Plan” (CPP.) The court determined that states should not be compelled to pay the exorbitant costs of the plan until a federal court determines its legality.
Arizona Chamber to Arizona Solar Industry: Drop Dead
The recent editorial entitled “Demand-based rate strategy makes sense,” authored by a pair of local chamber leaders, seemed peculiar to me. The chambers sounded more like public information officers for utilities rather than cheerleaders for better Arizona commerce.
Statewide postsecondary attainment goal essential to Arizona’s future
Across Arizona there is growing momentum behind efforts to help more students and especially Latino students in our state graduate from high school, attend college and earn a degree.
Prop. 123 column was long on rhetoric, short on facts
Readers last week were treated to Dianne Post’s column opposing Proposition 123 (March 24). It featured arguments long on rhetoric and legal theories outside the mainstream, but it was short on facts.
It’s time to lift the freeze on KidsCare
Arizona has a real problem with uninsured kids. But we also have a time-tested solution that now has no cost to the state budget: KidsCare.
Prop 123 – It’s not sustainable and it’s not a solution
While many good-hearted people have encouraged supporting Prop. 123 because they claim it is a good start and injects badly needed money immediately into the classroom, unfortunately, they are wrong. First, there will be a lawsuit regarding whether or not the enabling act requires Congressional approval to implement the Proposition. During the lawsuit, which could take several years, no monies wil[...]