Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
American Southwest can become world’s fifth largest economic engine
During the past year the trend for a new Arizona-Sonora partnership has been set in motion by many players on both sides of the border including state and local governments, the private sector, academics, interests groups and advocates.
New Corporation Commissioner Tobin will take to the road
If you’re not sure what the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) is or does, don’t feel bad; you’re in good company. I’ve traveled all across this state as a former speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives and as the director of the departments of Weights and Measures, Insurance, and Financial Institutions.
Adult Protective Services cuts backlog by 75 percent
In response to the Feb. 15 article “From X-rays to highways, backlogs affect several state agencies,” I would like to provide additional information regarding Adult Protective Services (APS).
Closing Guantanamo just makes sense
The Guantanamo detention facility costs $450,000,000 a year to operate. If we close Guantanamo and bring those few detainees stateside to a maximum security facility, we can probably save around $85 million a year.
Letter to the Editor: Historical Society obstructs science education
Over 40,000 children visited the once top rated Arizona Mining and Mineral Museum in Phoenix every year. Most were brought by teachers or Scout leaders to participate in structured earth science education programs. School buses arrived almost daily, and came from as far away as Yuma.
New solar bill, SB1417, will harm small business
To introduce a new, somewhat redundant bill with less than 2 months to judge the effectiveness of the current law, seems both premature and a blatant attack on small, local solar installers.
University funding ensures economic vitality, educated
Higher education provides substantial benefits to individuals and to society. Not only does higher education bring greater earning potential for students, but higher-educated workers typically pay more taxes which benefits the U.S. economy.
Arizonans face key Feb. 22 deadline for presidential primary
Arizona voters have an opportunity to vote in our state’s Presidential Preference Election on March 22. As an Arizona voter, this is your official chance to influence the presidential selection process before the November general election.
Proposition 123 It isn’t a mirage, it’s a big improvement
Is Proposition 123 a “mirage? To some it may seem that way, but looking at the facts and figures, I welcome what it will do as a first step to improving the finances of our public schools in Arizona. Here is why.
The better our collective gun skills, the safer our state
In 1818, President James Monroe wrote, “The right to self-defense never ceases. It is among the most sacred, and alike necessary to nations and to individuals.”
Arizonans should matter as much as voters in Iowa, Ohio and Florida
For years, Arizonans have felt ignored during the campaign for president. It feels like the candidates don’t care what we think, don’t care about our issues, and don’t bother asking for our vote.
Legislators should act on bill to improve Arizona’s GDL law
On Tuesday, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee heard a proposed bill that would improve the safety of roadways by strengthening Arizona’s Graduated Driver License Law (GDL).