Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
No open enrolment for special needs kids
As parents to children with disabilities, we must constantly fight to make sure our children are seen and heard. Luckily, the Arizona Legislature made necessary changes to the open-enrollment laws to prevent discrimination against children with disabilities.
Lowering drug prices can stifle innovation
We should be looking to put patients first, and all stakeholders should come together, including insurance companies and pharmacy benefit managers, to create solutions so patients can get the treatment they deserve at prices they can afford.
Arizona members of Congress: fund home care now
But while the need for home care is great, acquiring services is out of reach for too many. Across the United States, almost a million people sit on the waiting lists for Medicaid’s home care program, in danger of being forced to live in unsafe nursing institutions, where 133,000 disabled Americans have died from Covid during the pandemic.
Congress must protect Arizona’s local news
Congress should be commended for carrying Sen. Sinema’s mantle of protecting local news by supporting the Local Radio Freedom Act. Let’s hope that the number of members standing up for local news continues to grow.
Expanding child tax credit is essential
unless Congress takes action, many Arizona families will continue to find themselves strapped under extreme economic strain and pressure. Our congressional leaders and senators have the power to alleviate pandemic hardship and put more Arizona families on the path to financial freedom by making the Child Tax Credit permanent.
Over taxing, banning products grows criminal market in Arizona
If the Biden Administration and members of Congress want to ban menthol cigarettes, or increase tobacco taxes to fund the federal budget, they need to consider the consequences of their actions. Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly will soon have an opportunity to show real leadership, and should oppose these harmful policies.
Senator Sinema, You Got My Vote, Now Mesa Needs Yours
I see it all over Mesa, and I see it among the members of my family: The Covid pandemic is a lot more than a health crisis. It’s also a financial crisis that has been taking a major toll on our community.
Sinema can address energy inequities, fight climate change
To ensure an equitable and more sustainable future — one that creates good-paying jobs and opportunity for Arizonans — Senator Sinema should push for changes to the section 25D ITC in the budget reconciliation bill that would offer a direct pay option. The clean energy revolution cannot meet its full promise unless the pool of those who can participate is expanded.
PRO Act would destabilize Arizona’s construction industry
Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly have wisely withstood pressure to support this legislation. They can help Arizona businesses of all kinds by continuing to reject attempts to pass the PRO Act or any of its harmful penalties.
Homecare workers need living wage
Our elected leaders need to remember that we voted them into office because they promised to fight for working people--not just line the pockets of corporations--and invest in seniors, loved ones with disabilities, and those of us who care for them.
Dialysis patients need support from lawmakers
I am hoping Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., supports the BETTER Kidney Care Act, which would make it easier for doctors to coordinate treatment plans for kidney patients, helping
Can agriculture use less water?
The time has come to start asking the hard questions. Does an industry that adds 1% to the state GDP have the right to mine our groundwater, destroy our flowing rivers, and take water that can never be replaced? Can this industry be reformed or modernized to use less water? How do we better protect Arizona's water resources so that flowing streams and rivers are not dried out by thirsty groundwate[...]