Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
Don’t delay, subpoena now!
Burns thinks the Corp Comm needs to attempt to subpoena Arizona Public Service now rather than wait to force spending disclosure until the 2016 election.
Can you get a per diem for writing a resignation letter?
Yee’s inquiry into excessive per diem reimbursements by two members of the Industrial Commission and the subsequent reporting on the matter in this publication and the Capitol Times appears to have netted her three scalps. ICA Chairman David Parker, Vice Chairman Michael Sanders and Director Laura McGrory resigned on Tuesday.
Wink wink, nudge nudge
Several House Republicans told our reporter that, during the small group meetings two weeks ago to unveil the Biggs-Gowan four-point education plan, the unsustainability of Prop 301 was heavily discussed, but the ideal of repealing the inflation funding requirement was only alluded to.
Leadership aims to gut K-12 inflation mandate
Calling the inflation provision in Prop 301 “unsustainable,” GOP leadership is indeed discussing options to repeal the law at the heart of Cave Creek v. Ducey.
No agreement on how to make a session special
Several sources say that a special session for education funding is likely to occur by the end of the calendar year, and perhaps as soon as next month. What would be debated in that session is less clear, as sources told our reporter that Ducey and Biggs are the driving forces behind that discussion and are still at odds over what lawmakers would consider.
Solar groups demand recusals from 3 commissioners
Forese and Little must recuse themselves from the proceeding on APS’s solar fee increase, according to a filing from attorney Hugh Hallman, on behalf of two former commissioners, Renz Jennings and Bill Mundell, and solar company Sunrun.
DeWit: Team Ducey ‘not good, honest, moral people’
DeWit opened up to the Republic’s Laurie Roberts and savaged Ducey and his allies, calling them the bad guys in a dispute that began over policy but has since turned into a personal grudge match.
Paperwork error lands Burns in hot seat
Bitter Smith isn’t the only Corp Commissioner whose lobbying activities are drawing scrutiny: Burns is registered as a lobbyist for a telecom trade group, the Arizona Telecommunications and Information Council, the Republic reported this morning.
Book of Lobbyists bites Bitter Smith
The Capitol Times’ annual Book of Lobbyists publication is now attorney Tom Ryan’s latest evidence that Bitter Smith has conflicts of interest and should be removed from the Corp Comm.
Corp Comm drama will scramble 2016 field
A railbird familiar with the Corp Comm told our reporter there’s a lot of anger among commissioners after Tuesday’s divide over utility electioneering disclosure. Bitter Smith and Burns had previously said they were planning to run together in 2016, and Gray previously told our reporter he’d be running on a slate with Burns.
Anti-corruption group: Pick one career
The Public Integrity Alliance (née the Arizona Public Integrity Alliance), which went after Horne in 2013 and 2014, is asking Commissioner Susan Bitter Smith to sever all her ties with outside groups, and cease all lobbying on behalf of any client during her term as a regulator.
One man does not a special session make
Boyer has been beating the drum for a special session in order to call a special election for Ducey’s land trust proposal, raising the possibility over the weekend on 12 News’ “Sunday Square-Off” and last week during a tele-town hall with the governor. But so far, his enthusiasm hasn’t been shared by leadership.