Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
It’s not the panacea to higher ed’s budget woes
If some view the goals of Save Our Students as a timid response to the deep cuts to the universities, that’s because the group isn’t after a funding stream that would make higher education whole.
The meaning of transparency, Clean Elections edition
The Clean Elections Commission today (June 1) voted to instruct its legal counsel to take action after the AG’s Office dropped its appeal and motion for stay in Galassini v. Fountain Hills, which invalidated the old definition of ‘political committee.’
Corp. Comm: We’ve done all we can do
The Corp Comm is in no mood to furnish the DC-based Checks and Balances Project with additional information about Stump’s text messages. The group has been digging into Stump’s email and text communications to prove its point that Arizona’s energy commissioners have been lost to “regulatory capture,” the idea that regulators act more as consultants of the industries that they oversee tha[...]
Dude, that’s solid
In only a week and a half, the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol has gathered 12,000 signatures, spokesman Carlos Alfaro told our reporter this morning (May 28).
A people’s veto for the Legislature’s map?
Even if the US Supreme Court rules that the IRC lacks the authority to draw congressional districts, Dems may have a chance to hold on to the current congressional map for at least one more cycle.
GOP: Not like it matters
Despite Democratic enthusiasm, Republicans are still confident that McCain will prevail. “She might be the only real opponent he’s had in a really long time. But I still think she has zero chance,” said GOP consultant Brian Murray, who predicted a 15-point win for McCain.
Does this mean the #classroomsfirst hashtag is back?
Ducey today (May 22) announced the membership of his Classrooms First Initiative Council, which he created by executive order in early January, a week after taking office. The council, which includes a mix of district and charter school officials, is charged with “simplifying and modernizing” Arizona’s school funding system.
Burning a hole in their pockets
With the latest JLBC monthly fiscal highlights showing revenues exceeding projections to the tune of $233 million, talk of budget revisions has increased among Republicans in the Legislature. Several Republicans said if the Legislature has to go into a special session for redistricting, or any of the other looming issues that could lead to a special session, they want the governor to include budge[...]
Source says Ducey delivered warning to business groups
During a meeting last week, Ducey warned Greater Phoenix Leadership, Southern Arizona Leadership Conference and Flagstaff 40 against pursuing any ballot measure without getting a green-light from him first, according to a source who spoke with several attendees.
Lege hires mapping firm
The US Supreme Court hasn’t yet ruled in the redistricting case brought by the Legislature, but Republican leaders are already hiring consultants to work on redrawing the congressional map.
Biggs to universities: Believe me, you’re fine
While other legislators worry about the cuts to higher ed and are exploring ways to restore the funding, Biggs said the universities have not indicated that they expect enrollment to go down. A statement Biggs emailed to our reporter via Senate spokesman Mike Philipsen shows no indication he is willing to consider adding back funding to the universities, and indicates that he believes the universi[...]
Ducey: Planned Uber sting left director Über-fired
During his speech to the RNC’s spring meeting at The Phoenician today, Ducey dropped a previously undisclosed bombshell: that he fired the interim Weights and Measures director Shawn Marquez because he was planning a pre-Super Bowl sting on Uber and Lyft with the aim of shutting the ride-sharing companies down.