Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
Pro-Jones IE: Electioneering money came from AZ
Virginia Simpson insisted that none of the money from Friends of the Majority went to pay for her group’s electioneering activities in the governor’s race.
Is a pattern emerging here?
The $186,000 in spending by the Free Enterprise Club on the secretary of state and Corp Comm races has led to rampant speculation about the group’s source of funds – particularly since it only spent roughly $90,000 in the previous two election cycles combined.
Seel struggles while Townsend stumbles
Medicaid expansion opponents Seel and Townsend are the only incumbents who are seeking Clean Elections money but have yet to qualify for funding. Townsend, who claims Seel as her political mentor, initially filed to run traditional, but changed to public financing after struggling to raise money.
Some candidates are more equal than others
Thanks to her deep pockets, Jones is leading the money race in the gubernatorial contest. But Ducey, DuVal and Smith have also raked in considerable amounts of cash.
Solar firms ask court to invalidate new tax
Failing to persuade lawmakers and the governor to embrace their position, two major solar firms have taken their fight to the Arizona Tax Court. They are asking the court to invalidate the Dept of Revenue’s conclusion that leased solar panels should be taxed in the same way that large-scale solar facilities owned by the utilities are assessed for valuation.
Supreme Court: Farmer stays on LD13 ballot
The Supreme Court this morning (June 27) rejected Shooter’s appeal seeking to overturn a trial court ruling that his LD13 GOP challenger, Toby Farmer, did not forge at least seven nominating petition signatures.
Marching to the beat of a different drummer
Riggs worked hard to differentiate himself from the GOP field this morning at a governor’s forum held at the Arizona Assn of Counties’ annual meeting, staking out contrary positions on child safety, infrastructure spending, border security, Huppenthal’s plight, tax reform and selection of judges.
What a difference a week makes
Huppenthal struck a decidedly different tone last week in an email sent to all Dept of Education employees following the initial news report on his anonymous internet postings.
Riding to the rescue
Former Brewer general counsel Joe Kanefield is now representing a coalition of bipartisan legislators, business groups and a former governor in an amicus brief filed today with the Supreme Court urging the justices to overturn the appellate court ruling that allowed 36 Republican legislators to challenge Medicaid expansion.
Jones snags Babeu endorsement, outlines border plan
Jones held court with Paul Babeu today (June 23) at the Burton Barr Central Library to unveil her border security plan, with a stamp of approval from the Pinal County sheriff.
Captain Al sends distress call
Melvin appears to be setting the stage for an early exit from the gubernatorial race. In an email to supporters, Melvin pleaded for $5 contributions to qualify for public financing and thereby make his run viable.
Heavy hitters pledge big bucks for DuVal
More than 100 business, labor, political and campaign figures met at the Biltmore yesterday afternoon for a DuVal campaign finance meeting that yielded more than $1 million in fundraising commitments, according to the campaign and other attendees.