Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
Is Sinema in or out?
A source close to Kyrsten Sinema immediately shut down rumors that the US congresswoman would jump from CD9 to run in CD7 following Pastor’s decision not to seek another term.
It’s the moment they’ve all been waiting for
Pastor shook Arizona’s political universe today by announcing that he is retiring at the end of the current term, when he completes his 23rd year in Congress. “I’ve been in public office for 39 years and it’s been a pleasure to serve the people of Arizona,” Pastor said in a news release.
Another front in the battle for the GOP’s soul
Many see the uproar over S1062 as an extension of the still smoldering schism within the GOP, which has often manifested itself in the fights over illegal immigration and taxation. ASU pollster Bruce Merrill traces this schism to the ongoing battle to define the GOP’s soul.
The party of no (position on SB1062)
The Arizona Republican Party is staying out of the S1062 fight. Party spokesman Tim Sifert told our reporter that the AZGOP has no position on the bill.
CAP: Criticisms show hostility toward the religious
CAP sought to contain the rapidly burgeoning backlash against S1062, lashing out at what it called politics at its worst.
Capitol railbirds foresee a veto
Several railbirds predicted that Brewer would veto S1062, citing the chorus of objections from the business community, many of which are worried about another hit to Arizona’s image.
Watch for the illuminati symbol in that blue UN suit
Holding a copy of the new standards, Glenn Hamer, president and CEO of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce, said he’s read them and concluded that there’s “absolutely nothing scary” about them.
The Common Core circus is in town
Nearly half of Senate educ’s agenda tomorrow (Feb. 20) deals with an issue that is threatening to consume Republican primaries – the new academic standards called Common Core.
Gallardo gets snagged in brewing Dem primary
A potentially bruising primary is brewing in LD3, where the scion of a prominent Tucson family, Sal Baldenegro, has filed the paperwork to challenge Cajero Bedford.
Training the spotlight on Fair Trust
After Friday’s revelation by ProPublica that consultant Sean Noble’s Center to Protect Patient Rights gave $150,000 to the GOP redistricting group FAIR Trust in 2012, a source familiar with the organization’s activities shed some light on its financing and spending.
Finally, a part of the veil is lifted
An article today by the non-profit investigative journalism website ProPublica focuses on how GOP consultant Sean Noble rose to prominence in the network of Koch-funded dark money organizations, and has at least partially answered a question that Arizona politicos have been asking for more than two years: Who was financing FAIR Trust?
Much ado about nothing
Despite the handwringing from public school advocates over Huppenthal’s well-reported pitch encouraging families to take advantage of the Empowerment Scholarship Account, the program that gives parents tax dollars to send their kids to private schools, has so far only attracted a small number of students.