Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
For all the campaign finance limit marbles
The Arizona Supreme Court will hear arguments tomorrow in the appeal of the injunction against Laws 2013, Chapter 98 (H2593: campaign finance; contribution limit), and whatever the high court decides is likely to be the law of the land for the 2014 election cycle.
Lopez leaving after all
Despite her adamant insistence that rumors she was planning to leave the Senate were unfounded, Lopez yesterday acknowledged that she’ll be resigning soon.
Property tax intiative back, with new name
After seven years of failing to get the question on the ballot, a group that is seeking to impose California-style limits on property tax increases is trying again.
AZ’s chattering class: No surprises in Bennett’s lead
Bennett’s lead in yesterday’s poll of the governor’s race didn’t send shockwaves through the Capitol community. One GOP consultant who is unaligned with any of the candidates told our reporter the poll didn’t yield anything unexpected.
Bennett leads early, but the undecided are aplenty
A poll by Pennsylvania-based Susquehanna Polling and Research, which recently opened an office in Arizona, shows Bennett with an early lead in the GOP primary for the 2014 governor’s race.
So the plan is to create more uninvestigated cases?
DES Director Clarence Carter sent an email to all lawmakers on Friday evening to refute an earlier claim by Campbell alleging that CPS supervisors had ordered workers to “set aside all incoming reports” in order to expedite the processing of the roughly 6,500 uninvestigated cases.
Down the rabbit hole
Public interest attorney Tim Hogan filed an amicus brief arguing that the Legislature’s lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Independent Redistricting Commission’s authority to draw congressional maps violates the Voter Protection Act.
Lobbyist cash: A perk of DC ambitions?
To curtail inappropriate influence of money in politics, ARS 41-1234.01 prohibits lobbyists from contributing to lawmakers’ campaign committees while the Legislature is in session.
CPS oversight panel hears from the trenches
Most of the social workers, former CPS caseworkers, foster parents and non-profit heads who spoke at last night’s CPS community forum said more money is the solution to what ails CPS and its sister agencies, and many thought it should go towards child abuse prevention.
CPS funding request still unclear
DES’s requested budget increase for CPS, as well as any potential legislative fixes will largely depend on the findings of the investigations being conducted by CARE and DPS, Brewer Chief of Staff Scott Smith said.
The next battlefront in AZ’s gun debate?
The pro-gun restriction PACs Americans for Responsible Solutions, which Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly, created, and Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, appear to be testing the waters for a potential gun initiative in 2014.
Obama trains the spotlight on ‘dark money’
The Obama administration today proposed strict new rules aimed at curtailing the political activities of “dark money” groups that so far have spent freely to influence elections without revealing their funders.