Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
CPS oversight panel hears from the trenches
Most of the social workers, former CPS caseworkers, foster parents and non-profit heads who spoke at last night’s CPS community forum said more money is the solution to what ails CPS and its sister agencies, and many thought it should go towards child abuse prevention.
CPS funding request still unclear
DES’s requested budget increase for CPS, as well as any potential legislative fixes will largely depend on the findings of the investigations being conducted by CARE and DPS, Brewer Chief of Staff Scott Smith said.
The next battlefront in AZ’s gun debate?
The pro-gun restriction PACs Americans for Responsible Solutions, which Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly, created, and Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, appear to be testing the waters for a potential gun initiative in 2014.
Obama trains the spotlight on ‘dark money’
The Obama administration today proposed strict new rules aimed at curtailing the political activities of “dark money” groups that so far have spent freely to influence elections without revealing their funders.
Money isn’t source, solution to CPS woes – Biggs
Even as calls for more funding for CPS mount, Biggs says he is firmly opposed to opening up the state’s checkbook.
Source: Anti-Horne group settles lawsuit
The Arizona Public Integrity Alliance has reportedly settled with Horne following the lawsuit he filed against the non-profit a week ago over a television ad that focuses on his alleged campaign finance violations.
Thousands of child abuse cases uninvestigated
DES Director Clarence Carter dropped a bombshell today, revealing that CPS left 6,000 cases of potential child abuse uninvestigated since 2009.
Jim Click: What slate?
Tucson auto dealer and Republican financier Jim Click flatly dismissed recent rumors that a cabal of dealmakers that includes him and Steve Twist is organizing a slate of statewide candidates for next year’s GOP primary or that a recent email he sent, in which he lists the statewide candidates he supports, is part of a concerted effort on behalf of those candidates to clear the field.
Horne sues group running critical ads
Horne on Friday filed a lawsuit in Maricopa County Superior Court against the Arizona Public Integrity Alliance, a 501(c)(4) that is running ads on cable television lambasting Horne for the campaign finance allegations against him. Bennett spokesman Matt Roberts said Horne’s attorney, Sandra Slaton, also filed a complaint against the ad with the secretary of state’s office.
Elephants on parade
The Republican Governors Association will hold its annual conference at The Phoenician Resort on Wednesday and Thursday.
Define victory, please
While the prevailing sentiment is that APS spectacularly failed in their campaign to reduce a key solar incentive, a closer scrutiny yields a more measured victory for solar rooftop firms, and perhaps even a partial win for APS.
Can’t we all just get along?
After forcefully resisting the idea of altering the current net metering scheme, the rooftop solar industry today surprised commissioners by joining with RUCO to make a compromise offer.