Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
Pot proponents: DOJ memo clears haze for Arizona
Today’s US DOJ memo on marijuana enforcement indicated that recently-passed laws legalizing marijuana use for adults in Washington and Colorado are less likely to face federal interjection.
Get ready for Glenn Beck’s whiteboard – maybe
Biggs and Yee are putting together an informational hearing on Common Core, which they plan to hold in October as a way to answer questions that legislative staff and lawmakers have had on the learning standards.
Filling in the blank
Reagan today amended her exploratory committee, which she opened in December without listing an office, to declare that she’s officially eying the secretary of state’s race.
No cakewalk for McSally in CD2
A three-way primary is brewing in CD2, where Martha McSally is clearly plotting her third run for the office.
Biggs boots Crandall from office
Yesterday afternoon, Biggs sent a letter to Bennett unilaterally declaring Crandall’s Senate seat vacant, despite the letter Crandall delivered earlier in the week making his resignation effective Aug. 31.
A new GOP game in town
Gowan and Olson are heading up a new IE committee, named the House Victory PAC, even though Tobin’s Republican House Victory committee, which raised and spent money for House Republicans last year, is still operational.
First candidate enters treasurer’s race
Observers have quietly wondered for months why no one was expressing an interest in the treasurer’s race, given that the seat is all but certain to be vacated by Ducey.
Don’t believe everything you read
One GOP railbird told our reporter that the rumors published in yesterday’s report that veteran House policy advisor Brian Townsend will succeed Victor Riches as GOP chief of staff are baseless.
One job opening leads to another
Sources say that House GOP Chief of Staff Victor Riches has been hired as Goldwater Institute’s vice president and will be leaving the Legislature in October.
With a cherry on top
After blasting the Obama administration for FEMA’s decision to deny a Major Disaster Declaration for Yarnell, Tobin joined hands with Campbell to ask the feds to reconsider.
Cardon candidacy claims first victim
Many railbirds wondered how long it would take GOP secretary of state candidates to drop out of the race after Wil Cardon got in, and they got their answer today.
Medicaid backers tout poll showing broad support
Previous polling has generally shown public support for Medicaid expansion, and a new poll commissioned by Restoring Arizona shows the highest level of support yet.