Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
What, me lobby?
Horne spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham disputed Republic columnist Laurie Roberts’ assertion that the AG’s lobbyists swung into action to lobby against H2305 (initiatives; filings; circulators) over its retroactivity clause, which would allow the secretary of state’s office to send Horne’s campaign finance case directly to the Maricopa County attorney.
Anti-referendum tactics
One political consultant aligned with the Medicaid expansion effort said there may be a way for expansion proponents to throw up some roadblocks to the referendum effort by marginalizing the groups that organize signature-gathering efforts. There are only a handful of firms in Arizona that specialize in gathering signatures, and the source said it is theoretically possible to sideline them on the [...]
Franks backs Brewer
Franks defended Brewer’s decision to fight for expansion in a short statement today. For the congressman, the choices for the governor and her allies are untenable.
LaFaro to Tobin: At least you tried
Maricopa County GOP chairman AJ LaFaro told our reporter today he’s disappointed that Tobin has given up the fight on Medicaid expansion. He said there’s still some time to press... […]
Budget bills are on the move
The end of the expansion debate at the Capitol – and therefore of the 2013 session – might have finally arrived. Multiple sources told our reporter today that Tobin has given up on his efforts to amend the Medicaid expansion language by inserting transparency and accountability provisions and instead, will let it go to the floor and vote no. “He told the governor: ‘You win’,” a source [...]
Watch out for demon sheep
Montenegro today (June 3) announced a secretary of state exploratory campaign committee team replete with big names that will resonate in national GOP circles. The team includes media consultant Fred Davis, who is well-known for TV ads, such as McCain’s “dang fence” ad, Quayle’s commercial declaring Obama as the worst president in US history, and 2010 Delaware US Senate candidate Christine[...]
Prop. 100 tax brought in $2.7 billion
According to an analysis released by the Governor’s Office, Prop 100 raised about $2.7 billion.
Pile on
Campbell today became the highest-ranking elected Dem to call for Arpaio’s resignation following a federal court ruling showing that his office engaged in racial profiling while conducting illegal immigration sweeps. “The judge ruled that a top law enforcement official in the county violated the law. This decision left no room for ambiguity."
That was fast
An IE committee formed two weeks ago wasted little time in making contact with voters.
Get your clipboards ready
Antenori and Gould spent the long weekend working on plans for a citizen referendum on Brewer’s Medicaid expansion. The two Brewer foes would need to collect 86,405 valid signatures in the first 90 days after sine die to put an expansion referendum on the ballot for 2014, which they believe can be done without paid volunteers.
LaFaro rhetoric goes from Judas to Pearl Harbor
Maricopa GOP chairman AJ LaFaro once again has earned public scorn for writing a letter to GOP lawmakers in which he compares May 16, the day the Senate passed a budget that includes Medicaid expansion, to Dec. 7, 1941. “May 16, 2013, will be remembered as a ‘day of infamy’ in Arizona’s history.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire?
Pro-Medicaid expansion supporters are trying to avoid a ballot fight in large part because of a desire to prevent the campaign from becoming a national referendum on Obamacare, with well-financed out-of-state groups pouring in millions of dollars against it.