Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
That was fast
An IE committee formed two weeks ago wasted little time in making contact with voters.
Get your clipboards ready
Antenori and Gould spent the long weekend working on plans for a citizen referendum on Brewer’s Medicaid expansion. The two Brewer foes would need to collect 86,405 valid signatures in the first 90 days after sine die to put an expansion referendum on the ballot for 2014, which they believe can be done without paid volunteers.
LaFaro rhetoric goes from Judas to Pearl Harbor
Maricopa GOP chairman AJ LaFaro once again has earned public scorn for writing a letter to GOP lawmakers in which he compares May 16, the day the Senate passed a budget that includes Medicaid expansion, to Dec. 7, 1941. “May 16, 2013, will be remembered as a ‘day of infamy’ in Arizona’s history.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire?
Pro-Medicaid expansion supporters are trying to avoid a ballot fight in large part because of a desire to prevent the campaign from becoming a national referendum on Obamacare, with well-financed out-of-state groups pouring in millions of dollars against it.
Hospital chief to Ward: Medicaid care isn’t substandard
The chief medical officer of the hospital where Ward was employed flat out rejected her claim that Medicaid patients receive “substandard care.”
Herrera resigns from IRC
Jose Herrera resigned today (May 21) from the IRC, saying he has “been increasingly disturbed by the tone of the meetings and the effect of the pending lawsuits on the Commissioners and the Commission.” The Dem commissioner wrote in his letter of resignation to IRC Chair Colleen Mathis that after approving maps in January 2012, the commission’s meetings “have been unproductive and, at time[...]
A new challenge for Medicaid expansion?
Republic columnist Robert Robb on Friday advanced a legal argument suggesting that by “shoehorning” the Medicaid expansion proposal into a health care BRB, the Senate might have violated the Constitution’s single-subject rule.
The gang of six
The Senate yesterday (May 16) approved a budget that was notable for two things: It included Brewer’s Medicaid expansion language and it only won the needed votes because six Republicans crossed Biggs, and the rest of the GOP caucus, and joined the Dems in voting for nearly every budget bill.
A coalition straight out of 2008
In a scene reminiscent of what happened in 2008 – when Napolitano was governor and a handful of Republicans sent her a budget with the help of Dems – three GOP members banded together with the Dem caucus today to add spending to the Biggs-initiated $8.8 billion budget plan.
More than one way to skin a cat
The recent court ruling directing Bennett to forward the campaign finance complaint about Horne to the AG’s office has exposed what many view as a fault in the law, but there may be a plan to give the secretary of state the ability to choose his own investigator for matters involving the AG.
The tao of Andy
As soon as rumors of Biggs’ plan began to circulate, so did speculation about the president’s real intentions. One Republican source questioned Biggs’ action, since moving a budget could facilitate the passage of the governor’s AHCCCS expansion plan through his chamber.
The tip of the spear?
Outside groups are beginning to weigh in against Brewer’s Medicaid plan. American Commitment, a 501(c)(4) that spent millions in the 2012 elections, including about $1.4 million in the Flake-Carmona race, is running a series of web ads against Medicaid expansion.