Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
The state can’t raid the land trust again, right?
The $17 million in School Facilities Board funding that Ducey included in his executive budget plan won’t hold off a long-planned lawsuit over dollars for K-12 building maintenance and renewal.
The campaign never ends
Ducey is heading into his re-election campaign with more than a half million dollars on hand. According to the governor’s latest campaign finance report, Ducey has $561,000 in the bank […]
Ducey finds $176 million more to spend in FY18
Ducey is seeking $176 million in new spending for FY18. All told, the governor unveiled a $9.8 billion budget that favors K-12 education, and, to a certain extent, universities.
Providers: You might as well ask us to do this for free
While attorneys for and against Prop 206 made the same arguments that they’ve already put forth in trial court, yesterday’s deadline for filing amicus briefs brought out a slew of […]
These goals are not mutually exclusive
Some at the Capitol are wondering if Ducey’s pivot (if it was a pivot) toward compassionate conservatism or pragmatism is rooted in his re-election campaign. To read more on this […]
Is that Bernie Sanders or Jack Kemp?
In his state of the state address, Ducey embraced what struck many as a moderate or even Democratic-sounding tone, calling for a plethora of new spending, especially on K-12 education […]
Nearly as free as possible if you want to be a teacher
If you’re an educator, there’s a lot to like in Ducey’s state of the state address today. First, he made a bold promise to seek more money for schools “above […]
Monday’s coming, whether you like it or not
Speaking at the Arizona Chamber of Commerce’s Legislative Forecast Luncheon today, Ducey didn’t hint much about his agenda this year. But he made clear that K-12 education, economic development and […]
If there’s a Ducey…
The governor’s office believes it can boost K-12 funding while still meeting spending obligations arising from the passage of Prop 206.
What’s in the budget box depends on who you ask
With JLBC projecting a “structural” surplus of only $24 million in FY18, there won’t be much money to go around this session. And those who want a slice of that pie will likely have to line up behind K-12 education, the governor’s priority.
Tom takes over, and Bob isn’t happy
Forese took over as Corp Comm chairman today, while former Ducey staffer Ted Vogt was swiftly installed as executive director of the regulatory agency.
From CD8 with love
Amid the furor over his pro-Russia comments on MSNBC yesterday (YS, 12/29), Franks told our reporter that he was in no way sanctioning any hacking by America’s cold war foe.