Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
The elections police aren’t the real police
Pima County Recorder F Ann Rodriguez yesterday told our reporter she concurred with her Maricopa County counterpart, Helen Purcell, that enforcing the ballot harvest ban isn’t her job, and said... […]
Attorney hired to investigate Corp Comm ‘influencers’
Burns announced today that he has hired utility lawyer Scott Hempling to investigate the outside influences on the Corp Comm relating to electricity regulation in the state, though most observers... […]
P.S., attached is a diagram of where to shove it
Clean Elections Commission Executive Director Tom Collins sent back the letter that DOA is asking state entities to sign as acknowledgement that their procurement authority no longer covers contract lobbyists,... […]
Where in the world is Club for Growth?
The prevailing sentiment among pundits and political operatives is that Biggs’ radio ad is only the first in what will be a series of attacks on Christine Jones. To read... […]
The positive calm before the negative storm
There is no shortage of material the Republican CD5 candidates could use as the basis for attacks on each other, but the race has so far been genteel, largely devoid of name-calling and mudslinging that are often hallmarks of hotly contested primaries.
You can run, but you can’t hide from Hillary and Donald
You can run, but you can't hide from Hillary and Donald
Paul Babeu: Wendy Rogers is ‘dangerous’ for seniors
Babeu’s campaign today went after Rogers in a news release, reviving the old charge that she wants to abolish Social Security and is “dangerous” for senior citizens. The charge first surfaced in 2014, when Rogers was running in CD9.
Biggs, Townsend spar during district meeting
Biggs, Townsend spar during district meeting
So much for party unity
Ted Cruz’s non-endorsement of Trump in his speech at the convention last night and Trump supporters’ reaction to it have eclipsed all other events at the RNC, and the high... […]
Ward unleashed
Buoyed by an exceptionally friendly crowd, Ward praised Trump and denounced McCain at Citizens for Trump’s “America First” rally in Cleveland on Monday. To read more on this item plus... […]
The system can’t handle complex stuff
The legal challenge to the marijuana legalization initiative contains several arguments, but for elected officials opposed to it, the crux is this: Voters don’t understand what the Campaign to Regulate... […]