Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
Ducey hints he is open to KidsCare restoration
While Biggs is adamantly opposed to restoring KidsCare, Ducey suggested today that it could end up in the budget. To read more on this item plus all the stories in... […]
If only this were the first time they tried something
This isn’t the first attempt to “target” Hank Stephenson or the Capitol Times: It’s the third time since January the chamber has tried to banish him from the floor. To read... […]
Gowan pulls his best karate move yet against reporters
Gowan pulls his best karate move yet against reporters
Developer invited Gowan to front row at D-backs game
Developer invited Gowan to front row at D-backs game
A hello that lasted for an inning
Gowan was spotted sitting in the front at last night’s Diamondbacks Opening Day game. The speaker’s appearance (somebody had taken a photo of the game’s live coverage on TV) raised some eyebrows, since lawmakers aren’t allowed to accept tickets to sporting events from lobbyists, and front row tickets don’t come cheap.
It’s not so far off the mark after all
Last week, Arizona Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Glenn Hamer bitterly complained about the claim that, under S1516 (campaign finance amendments), the state is ceding its authority to regulate campaign spending to the feds. “This claim is so far off the mark as to make me wonder whether the media doesn’t understand campaign laws or whether it’s choosing just to ignore the facts,” Ha[...]
Glennian logic
Arizona Chamber CEO and President Glenn Hamer vigorously defended S1516 (campaign finance amendments) against “wildly inaccurate” claims that he said are being perpetuated by the media. “We’re all entitled to our own opinions, but not to our own facts,” he wrote in a blog.
And then there’s Gowan
To prohibit lobbyists from gaining undue influence over lawmakers’ actions, Arizona law prohibits them from contributing to sitting legislators’ campaigns while a legislative session is ongoing. But for some of... […]
The anatomy of an error
Data provided by the county confirms how badly the officials miscalculated preparations for this year’s presidential preference election. To read more on this item plus all the stories in the... […]
Not while Biggs is chief
Ducey wants to allow independents to participate in presidential primaries following last week’s election debacle. That will require changing the laws, and the idea is likely to run into a... […]
It’s their fault, but also (sort of) mine
Reagan shares some of the blame for Tuesday’s election fiasco, telling reporters at a presser this morning that there are things the secretary of state’s office could have done better.... […]
A grand bargain on Supreme Court expansion
A grand bargain on Supreme Court expansion