The Breakdown: Keeping it clean
A new ballot measure aims to make voting easier and take big money out of politics, but its backers, who have been against dark money in the past, won’t commit to turning down dark money for their own campaign.
Defeated gubernatorial candidate comes up short on contributions
Ken Bennett found himself out of the running when he was trounced by incumbent Doug Ducey in the Republican primary in August. Now he is finding himself out of the money.
Gubernatorial candidate files suit to keep campaign alive
Gubernatorial hopeful Ken Bennett is asking a judge to give him one last chance to qualify for public funding for his campaign.
Ken Bennett blames SOS for falling short of $5 contributions
Gubernatorial hopeful Ken Bennett is blaming Secretary of State Michele Reagan for coming up short of the $5 donations he needs to qualify for public funding.
Candidates find pros and cons of digging into own pocket
While self-funders haven’t been very successful at the state and federal level in Arizona, the strategy has paid off for candidates aiming for lower-level offices, such as the Legislature or a city council.
Ken Bennett needs 900 contributions to earn Clean Elections funding
With just three weeks to go before the primary election, Ken Bennett still needs 900 contributions to qualify for funding from the Clean Elections Commission.
Judge to rule on Clean Elections measure
A claim that lawmakers are giving voters a flawed explanation of a measure on the November ballot drew a skeptical reaction Friday from the judge hearing the case.
Court rules Clean Elections measure to be on November ballot
Arizona voters who want to preclude publicly funded candidates from buying services from political parties also will have to vote for new limits on the powers of the Citizens Clean Elections Commission to get that change. And vice versa.
Judge to rule on Clean Elections ballot measure
A judge will decide whether lawmakers have an absolute right to ask voters to approve two changes in law in a single act, even if they may only want one of them and not the other.
Clean Elections to sue over ballot measure description
The Citizens Clean Elections Commission voted unanimously to sue the state over language describing a ballot measure to take away some of the commission’s authority.
Elections officials mull criminal probes of forgeries
Elections officials said they will likely refer several campaigns that have been implicated for fraud and forgery to law enforcement for further investigation.
John McComish: A man of many hats now dons a robe
Since trading in his legislator badge for judicial robes in 2015, John McComish said he has no regrets leaving the Capitol and mostly leaving politics behind.