Eliminate 55-bed mental health limit
Our system is broken in many ways. But again, there are many narrow fixes with broad positive implications which start the process of improvement. This is one of those narrow fixes. The 55-bed cap is a monumental failure – it should be eliminated.
Voters support expanding county health care system
A divided electorate in Maricopa County found common ground on Election Day by showing overwhelming support for our community’s public teaching hospital and safety net health care system.
Defunding police will hurt neighborhoods that need them
“No officer wants to pull the trigger.” That’s what one officer told me when I asked him if there was one thing he thinks the public should know about law enforcement. The best way to achieve that goal is giving officers the support where they need it most.
Skipping kindergarten is detrimental to learning
We believe kindergarten is essential for all students in Arizona, especially now. A fact parents may not be familiar with is that if families choose to keep their child out of kindergarten this year, when they enroll next year, they will be placed in first grade and may fall far behind their peers in learning.
Bison reduction pact benefits Grand Canyon, herd
I applaud everyone from Game and Fish Department staff, who have worked ceaselessly on this issue, to Secretary Bernhardt and Superintendent Keable. Your efforts will ultimately bring back the appropriate balance that is necessary to ensure the success of the bison herd and the Grand Canyon’s resources for generations to come, by using science and skilled volunteers.
A stutterer’s perspective on Gov. Doug Ducey
Oct. 22 marked International Stuttering Awareness Day, a day intended to raise public awareness of an issue faced by 1% of the world’s population and roughly 3 million Americans.
Border became more secure in the last four years
When Democratic candidates for President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris stood on stage earlier this year and pledged to give illegal immigrants free healthcare and a free college education, political... […]
Regulators should be commended for moving on energy policy issues
The ACC should be commended for finally moving on important energy policy issues facing the state of Arizona with bipartisan agreement. There is significant common ground on energy and environmental issues that too often goes unnoticed, and making progress on updating and modernizing our state’s energy rules shows that pragmatic solutions, which voters hold as a priority, are possible.
Health care worker’s plea: Vote, make sure voice is heard
This year, more than ever, health care workers must let their voice be heard and cast a vote. COVID-19 has ruined the lives of far too many families, leading to heartbreak, frustration, anger, and fear. Just like wearing a facemask, do the responsible thing, and do your civic duty. A vote on Tuesday is a vote to end this pandemic.
Arizona leads the way in licensing reform
Arizona ignited a national bipartisan movement to reform occupational licensing laws. It can continue to lead with these additional steps.
Deploying body-worn cameras – next steps for DPS
On September 30, 2020, Gov. Doug Ducey announced a plan to deploy 150 body-worn cameras (BWCs) to troopers in the Arizona Department of Public Safety. This is an excellent first step for DPS to join the thousands of other law enforcement agencies across the United States that have already deployed BWCs. BWCs can produce numerous benefits, from improved citizen attitudes to reductions in complaints[...]
The Criminalization of Politics
Striking the right balance is hard. But there should be a strong presumption in favor of leaving politics – and its inherent passions and prejudices – at the courthouse door. Criminalizing politics doesn't just poison our government and undermine our justice system. It imperils our nation as a whole.