
Recent news

Sep 25, 2018

State-funded abortion case to be heard at Supreme Court

The Arizona Supreme Court will review the case of a woman who faked cancer to obtain a state-paid, mid-term abortion in 2010.

Sep 25, 2018

Supreme Court to hear case on levy to fund stadiums, sports complexes

The Arizona Supreme Court has agreed to weigh in on whether revenue generated through car rental fees can be used for sports complexes rather than just road construction and maintenance.

Sep 24, 2018

Ducey: Law he signed meant to undermine Prop 127 victory

It ultimately may not matter if Arizonans vote in November to require utilities to generate more of their electricity from renewable sources.

Sep 24, 2018

Ryan Boyd: At the intersection of data and rabbits

Ryan Boyd’s path to politics wasn’t quite a straight line.

Assistant Minority Leader Randy Friese, Minority Whip Charlene Fernandez and Rep. Reginald Bolding
Sep 24, 2018

3 Democrats jockey for position of House minority leader

Two House Democrats who planned to run as a team for separate caucus leadership roles are now challenging each other for the top spot.

Sep 21, 2018

Prop 306 foe warns of ‘Trojan horse’ to undermine Clean Elections

A measure Republican lawmakers put on the November ballot could determine how much Arizonans actually know about who is trying to influence political campaigns.

Sep 21, 2018

Prospective owner, operator of Navajo coal plant end pursuit

Two companies that were negotiating to take over a coal-fired power plant on the Arizona-Utah line ended the effort Thursday, saying the challenges were too great.

In this photo of the Sept. 20, 2018, Arizona Corporation Commission debate on KAET-TV are from left Rodney Glassman, Republican, Sandra Kennedy, Democrat, Ted Simons, host, Kiana Sears, Democrat, and Justin Olson, Republican. The candidates are vying for two open seats on the commission. (Photo by Howard Fischer/Capitol Media Services)
Sep 21, 2018

Corporation Commission candidates debate renewable energy initiative

Democrat Sandra Kennedy said Thursday there would be no need for voters to impose a renewable energy mandate if state utility regulators would do their job.

Sep 21, 2018

Republican aims to limit lawmakers’ conflicts of interest

Arizona lawmakers get paid $24,000 annually. Most have full-time jobs beyond the business of sponsoring and voting on bills for four to five months out of the year.

Stacks of voters' signatures were delivered to the Arizona Secretary of State's Office on Aug. 8 after Save Our Schools Arizona collected more than 110,000 signatures in three months. If it survives legal challenges, the referendum will appear on the 2018 general election ballot as Proposition 305. (Photo by Katie Campbell/Arizona Capitol Times)
Sep 21, 2018

Both sides of voucher war prepare for battles after vote

Opponents of Proposition 305 may soon cry victory over its defeat, but the fight over school choice and Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Accounts will not end in November.

Sep 18, 2018

Governor, lawmaker have sights on charter school changes

Gov. Doug Ducey said he's open to the idea of reforms in how charter schools are operated, including how they handle their finances.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (Photo by Katie Campbell/Arizona Capitol Times)
Sep 17, 2018

Brnovich to investigate cell phone tracking

Saying consumer privacy is being invaded, state Attorney General Mark Brnovich has launched an inquiry into whether a major tech firm is violating the rights of Arizona residents by tracking their movements and activities through their cell phones -- even after the users think they've told the company to stop.


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