
Recent news

Mar 21, 2018

Ex-procurement head says he was forced out for questioning staffer’s practices

Seth told the Arizona Capitol Times that he was forced out for asking questions about several state contracts that he said were questionable contracts.

Mar 21, 2018

Arizona teachers protest low pay at state Capitol

Teachers gathered at the state Capitol on Wednesday to protest their low pay, including some from west Phoenix schools who plan to skip their normal workday in a job action.

A personal delivery device made by Starship Technologies is parked outside the Arizona Senate. (Capitol Media Services file photo by Howard Fischer)
Mar 21, 2018

Lawmaker gives second thought to robot-delivery bill

The killing of a pedestrian crossing the street by an autonomous vehicle this week has a Mesa lawmaker giving second thoughts to allowing automated motorized delivery devices on sidewalks.

Mar 20, 2018

Senate passes bill to regulate public school property sales

Nothing in HB 2460 requires a school district to sell or rent to anyone. But the bill says that once a property is offered for sale a lease, the district cannot pull it off the market "solely because a charter school or private school is the highest bidder.''

Mar 19, 2018

Records release missing key elements of ex-Rep. Shooter investigation

The House withheld sexually explicit communications about Rep. Michelle Ugenti-Rita from hundreds of pages of documents made public on the Don Shooter sexual harassment investigation.

Mar 19, 2018

Justices questions constitutionality of Arizona death penalty laws

Without comment the majority of the justices on Monday brushed aside claims by Abel Hidalgo that state laws fail to discriminate between the types of murders that merit execution and those for which a death penalty is inappropriate.

Mar 19, 2018

Self-driving tests halted after pedestrian dies

Uber says it has suspended all of its self-driving testing following what is believed to be the first fatal pedestrian accident involving the vehicles.

Mar 16, 2018

Texter in fender bender with senator after he proposes texting ban

“A funny thing happened on the way home last night,” Sen. Bob Worsley said of the fender bender he got into roughly an hour after helping pass a ban on... […]

Mar 16, 2018

Ducey signs bill barring cities from taxing sugary drinks

The proposal doesn't specifically mention taxes on sugary drinks, only saying any tax on food products must be uniform. But testimony from a supermarket industry lobbyist industry made it clear that's what the bill is all about.

abortion, Planned Parenthood, 15 weeks, Lake, Hobbs, Masters, Kelly, Ciscomani, Engel, Lake, Hobbs, election, debate
Mar 16, 2018

Abortion bill amended to strike controversial provision

A House committee struck a controversial provision from a bill that expands the amount of information abortion providers must report to the state.

(Deposit Photos/Uros Poteko)
Mar 15, 2018

No card needed for visitors, new residents to use medical marijuana

Out-of-state visitors and new residents may possess and use medical marijuana if recommended by a physician under another state’s laws, the Arizona Court of Appeals ruled.

Grand Canyon University student Thameenah Muhammad, 17, prepares a T-shirt for a student protest against guns at the state Capitol. Students across the country participated in a March for Our Lives in the wake of the Parkland, Fla., shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that left 17 people dead. (Photo by Katie Campbell/Arizona Capitol Times)
Mar 15, 2018

Student protests on gun control at Capitol stir GOP ire

While Arizona House Democrats were introducing students who came to protest for gun control on March 14, a Republican state senator was shifting the blame for a mass shooting in Florida to Obama-era school disciplinary guidelines.


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