DOJ responds to AG Mayes’ birthright lawsuit
The Department of Justice says Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes has no legal right to try to overturn President Trump's executive order abolishing birthright citizenship.
DeSantis unveils aggressive immigration and border security policy that largely mirrors Trump’s
Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis promised to end birthright citizenship, finish building the southern border wall and send U.S. forces into Mexico to combat drug cartels as part of an aggressive — and familiar — immigration policy proposal he laid out Monday in a Texas border city.
Omnibus immigration bill squeaks through
Although the legality of Arizona’s SB1070 has yet to be decided in court, that hasn’t stopped lawmakers from attempting to pass what backers describe as closing holes in existing laws but what critics call an even more sweeping immigration measure.
Birthright bills won’t be heard this week
The birthright legislation has taken a backseat after lawmakers convened in a special session Monday to tackle a bill that aims to cut taxes as a way to attract businesses to Arizona.
Constitutional obstacle course: the challenges facing the birthright citizenship bill backers
Frustrated by the federal government's refusal to solve illegal immigration, some lawmakers want the U.S. Supreme Court to resolve who exactly is an American citizen.
In trying to define citizenship, birthright busters will have to navigate not only through the U.S. Supreme Court, but the U.S. Senate, other states and even their own caucus.
Ariz. citizenship proposal set for Tuesday vote
An Arizona lawmaker who proposed a challenge to automatic U.S. citizenship for children of illegal immigrants has sent his measure to a different legislative committee.
Stung by setback, supporters of birthright bills change tactics; bills assigned to Appropriations
After Monday's setback, backers of the birthright bills are changing their strategy.
Arcadia students tackle immigration by making film
When six Arcadia High School students embarked on their project, their goal sprang from the pure idealism of the young: Reveal a solution to the problem of illegal immigration by making a documentary.
Birthright bills run into trouble
Backers of proposals that aim to ultimately deny U.S. citizenship to children born to illegal immigrants suffered a setback on Monday when the chairman of the Arizona Senate committee that tackled the bills concluded he did not have the votes to approve them.
Lawmakers mull automatic citizenship bill
Arizona lawmakers are holding a hearing on a bill that challenges automatic U.S. citizenship for children of illegal immigrants.
Birthright citizenship debate, a preview
When lawmakers today tackle a proposal that is aimed at ultimately challenging the citizenship of American-born children of illegal immigrants, the debate probably will focus on the meaning of a phrase of the 14th Amendment: Who exactly is “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States?
Birthright proposal not on the majority agenda
For the most powerful man in the Senate, denying American citizenship to children born to undocumented aliens is the next step in the Arizona-led crusade to confront illegal immigration in the country. But a majority of Senate President Russell Pearce’s colleagues don’t see it as a priority, and they may not go along if the so-called birthright citizenship bill is voted on before the Legislatu[...]