

Sep 27, 2021

Importing water for drought fix huge project

Importing muddy water from the Mississippi River to save Arizona from drought could be as simple as landing a man on the moon.  

Sep 13, 2021

Child Tax Cut helps me be the mom I want to be

The Child Tax Cut helps me be the mom I want to be for my kids. Knowing that each month will be a little easier, a little less stressful, isn’t a small thing. Every parent deserves that kind of peace of mind and every child deserves to grow up in that kind of home.

Rep. Kirsten Engel (D-Tucson)
Sep 8, 2021

Sen. Engel resigns, runs for Congress

Democratic state Sen. Kirsten Engel resigned September 8 to focus on her congressional campaign in an open southern Arizona seat.

Sep 3, 2021

Congress must expand home care for children with disabilities

Anyone can become disabled at any point in their life. Would you want your mom or daughter to be without access to the daily care they need? I hope that sharing our family’s story will help people understand the need for investing in home health care.

Aug 28, 2021

Latino city in Arizona grew, but census says it shrank

The overwhelmingly Hispanic community has grown enough over the last decade that it's also building a new elementary school. But the Census Bureau says Somerton actually lost 90 residents during that time, putting its official population at 14,197 people, not the 20,000 that the mayor expected.

Aug 26, 2021

Federal legislation addresses child care crisis

Arizona can’t let the child care crisis go on any longer. We need Congress to support our communities and invest in our children, families, and child care providers.

Aug 12, 2021

Congress – do the right thing for DACA

Rather than going it alone, Democrats and Republicans must find common ground and enshrine protection for Dreamers into legislation, rather than relying on executive order. In doing so, Congress can show Americans that they can act as humanitarians rather than strategists, cast division aside, and do the right thing. Our Dreamers are counting on it!

Aug 11, 2021

Infrastructure bill gives Sinema bipartisan victory

Arizona Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema has faced unrelenting tension with activists in her party over her insistence that bipartisan deal-making is still the way to do big things during a hyper-partisan era in Washington.

Aug 6, 2021

Pathway to citizenship solves labor shortage

Immigration policy isn’t charity nor should it be viewed as such. Legalizing people living here illegally is just one step toward helping our economy compete.

Jul 26, 2021

Congress should reject tax hike on families, business

It is now incumbent on Congress to stand up for utility ratepayers across the nation and say “no” to indirect tax hikes on our families and small businesses. I urge Arizona’s Senators to vote “no” on any unjust and unreasonable increase to the U.S. corporate tax rate.

Jul 8, 2021

Sinema, like McCain, reaches for bipartisanship

More than for her shock of purple hair or unpredictable votes, Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is perhaps best known for doing the unthinkable in Washington: She spends time on the Republican side of the aisle.

Jun 21, 2021

Statehood for D.C.

Arizona’s senators have the power to extend voting rights, congressional representation, and statehood to the 712,000 residents of Washington D.C. this year. Just as veterans and servicemembers live here in Arizona, tens of thousands of us live in our nation’s capital — and they’re depending on you, Senator Sinema and Senator Kelly, to honor their service and do the right thing.


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