Ducey, Hobbs at odds over election procedures for nursing homes residents
The top elected state officials of the two major parties are squabbling over election procedures, with the ability of some nursing homes and other centers to vote hanging in the... […]
No movement on removal of Confederate monument
Saying they're still "reviewing'' the issue, state officials have not acted on various plans to deal with a controversial monument to Confederate soldiers at a state-run cemetery. They’ve also ignored a request by a member of the Sierra Vista city council asking to find out how to get rid of it.
Ducey tells court why restaurants get special treatment over bars
Gov. Doug Ducey is justifying his directive to liquor investigators and police to ignore violations of some state laws by restaurants because they need the money from the otherwise illegal sales they are allowed to make.
Learn the risks of prostate cancer
Following the lead of Governor Ducey, we are encouraged by those in state leadership, including the Arizona Department of Health Services Cancer Prevention and Control Programs, for creating the framework necessary for ensuring all Arizona men understand their prostate cancer risk and receive ongoing encouragement toward annual screening discussions with their doctors.
Jobless rate drops, but not because more are working
The state's jobless rate shrank by close to 45% last month. But a good portion of the drop in the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate from 10.7% in July to 5.9% in August has nothing to do with a bunch of Arizonans suddenly finding work. It's because some gave up.
Report: schools can’t fill teacher vacancies
An average 20% boost in teacher salaries in the past four years has apparently done little to entice people into the classroom and keep experienced staffers there.
Arizona governor gets good, bad marks for virus response
In early August, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey beamed in the White House as he basked in praise from President Donald Trump for his handling of the COVID-19 outbreak. Arizona's response to the virus, Trump said, was a model for other states.
Jobless benefits drop on Monday
Beginning Monday, more than 430,000 Arizonans who have lost their job will have to live on no more than $240 a week.
Judge says restaurants’ to go liquor sales illegal
A little-noticed provision in a court ruling this week on bars and alcohol sales could end up curtailing business at some restaurants and force them to close.
Court sides with governor in dispute over bars closure
Gov. Doug Ducey's order closing bars remains intact, at least for the time being.
Judge won’t stop Democrat county recorder from telling voters how to correct ballots
Voters in at least one Arizona county are getting instructions on how to "correct'' a wrong vote that may be illegal.
Arizona’s opt-out eliminates physician safeguard during surgery
Community members, lawmakers, people of Arizona, I beg you to ask yourselves: who do you want in charge of your anesthesia care? If it was your family member, your child, your spouse, your parent – would you want a physician in charge of the anesthetic care, or a nurse working alone?