Former Mitchell staffer heads up Team Carmona
Former Mitchell Chief of Staff Alexis Tameron joined Carmona’s campaign late last week as campaign manager.
Appeals court hears challenge to Voting Rights Act
Appeals court judges expressed concern Thursday about whether to overrule Congress' determination that some southern states and other jurisdictions still must have federal election monitoring to protect minority voting rights.
Microtargeting: Election profiteering or political precision?
For a hefty price, campaigns can get their hands on some surprising details about everyday people, then use that information to influence election outcomes. But “microtargeting,” as it's known, is no longer reserved for large, national campaigns. It's coming to a race near you.
Presidential debate planners eyeing 3 Valley venues
Organizers of Arizona’s Dec. 1 GOP presidential debate are primarily looking at three possible venues.
The venues under consideration are the Mesa Arts Center, the Phoenix Convention Center and Gammage Auditorium, according to Republican National Committeeman Bruce Ash.
Redistricting chairwoman admits to inaccuracies in her application for the role
At today’s meeting of the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, Chairwoman Colleen Mathis admitted that her initial application omitted information about work her husband had done for a former Democratic lawmaker’s campaign.
Redistricting panel hires D.C.-based, Democratically connected mapping firm
Arizona’s Independent Redistricting Commission decided Wednesday to hire Strategic Telemetry, a Washington D.C.-based mapping firm, to serve as the group’s mapping consultant.
Since Carter years, judicial confirmations have slowed
Quick and lasting relief in the form of more judges for an overburdened federal court in Arizona appears doomed by Washington, D.C., politics.
Obama to be nation’s consoler at memorial service
Searching for unity out of tragedy, President Barack Obama will honor the victims of the Arizona mass shooting in personal terms and remind those in grief that an entire nation is with them. The president is again stepping into his role as national consoler, a test of leadership that comes with the job.
Arizona tragedy gives Congress a moment to pause
The shooting rampage in Arizona seems to have created a reset moment for confrontational politics, as lawmakers reflect on the repercussions of the overheated rhetoric traded on the airwaves and on the campaign trail.
Pelosi and Reid not the only problems
As a Republican activist for more than 35 years, I am sorry to say that I cannot be very optimistic about the resurgence of Republicans.
Former President George W. Bush to sign books at Phoenix store
Former President George W. Bush is scheduled to appear at a Phoenix book store Thursday to sign copies of his book "Decision Points."
Rove says there’s no 2012 presidential front-runner for GOP
Political strategist Karl Rove says there's no front-runner for the Republican Party's 2012 presidential nomination.