Immigration issue boosts Brewer in Arizona race
As the year began, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer faced a competitive field of fellow Republicans who wanted her job, with some GOP critics sensing she was particularly vulnerable as she sought voter approval of a sales tax increase she'd proposed to shore up the state budget.
Brewer, Goddard seek dismissal of challenge
Attorneys for Gov. Jan Brewer and Attorney General Terry Goddard have asked a judge to dismiss a Latino clergy group's lawsuit that seeks to overturn Arizona's new immigration law.
Fewer legal visitors crossing into Arizona to shop
The immigration crackdown in Arizona has apparently led some legal visitors to stay out of the state.
Goddard calls for end to private-school credits
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry Goddard is calling for the suspension of tax credits for private schools and the return of state funding for all-day kindergarten as part of an education plan released Thursday.
Brewer calls Aug. 9 special session on secret ballot issue
Gov. Jan Brewer has called for a special session following the state Supreme Court's ruling that a legislative referral must be removed from the ballot because it violates the single-subject rule in the state Constitution.
Special session to begin Monday, limited to secret ballot
A source close to the discussions between Brewer and legislative leaders told our reporter a special session has been agreed to and will begin Monday.
Special session might follow ruling on Prop. 108
Arizona lawmakers are considering another special session now that the state Supreme Court has ruled that a legislative referral must be removed from the ballot because it violates the single-subject rule in the state Constitution.
Brewer opposes officer’s bid to merge challenges
Gov. Jan Brewer's lawyers are opposing a request to merge a police officer's challenge to Arizona's new immigration law with another lawsuit that seeks to overturn the law.
L’Ecuyer joins Goddard campaign
Terry Goddard's gubernatorial campaign brought on a second high-profile member of the Napolitano administration with the addition of Jeanine L'Ecuyer as deputy campaign manager.
Brewer, lawmakers discuss special session on S1070
Gov. Jan Brewer is considering calling the Legislature into special session to change portions of S1070 that were blocked by a federal judge, but the pressures of the campaign season may put the issue on hold until after the election.
Capitol Times editor Matt Bunk discusses the recent immigration lawsuit ruling
Arizona Capitol Times Managing Editor Matt Bunk talks about the implications of the ruling Wednesday that blocked parts of Arizona's new immigration law, and what Gov. Brewer will likely do to appeal the decision.
In DC, just like in Arizona, all eyes on S1070
It seemed like a sign of the times that Attorney General Terry Goddard was in Congress to talk about Arizona’s efforts to crack down on money laundering by drug cartels, […]