Mesnard has privilege in talks with Ugenti-Rita
A Maricopa County Superior Court judge ruled on November 18 that Sen. J.D. Mesnard, R-Chandler, has legislative privilege and doesn’t have to answer questions about conversations he had with Sen. Michelle Ugenti-Rita, R-Scottsdale, while he was speaker of the House and the expulsion of then-Rep. Don Shooter was pending.
Ruling could lead to longer sessions
Some Arizona lawmakers say a court ruling that will limit adding policy provisions to budget bills could make for a very different session next year, and possibly a longer one.
Fann not running for re-election
Senate President Karen Fann is calling it quits after next year’s session.
Free Enterprise Club seeks voter ID requirements for mailed ballots
The Free Enterprise Club and a group of Republican lawmakers announced their new initiative on the Senate lawn Tuesday afternoon against a backdrop of Trump supporters who shouted down reporters and yelled over state senators.
Audit stirs dissension among GOP senators
In letting the Senate’s audit drag on as auditors demand more subpoenaed materials, Senate President Karen Fann has managed to delay a fight within her caucus over how to handle the eventual results.
Court allows ex-lawmaker’s ouster to stand
A federal appeals court on July 22 tossed out the claims of former state Rep. Don Shooter that his rights were violated when he was expelled in 2018 from the House of Representatives.
Flat tax a legacy of GOP caucus
Perhaps the longest-lasting consequence of this year’s session will be the $1.8 billion in ongoing tax cuts lawmakers passed on party lines.
Blackman prisoner release bill fails – again
There were plenty of issues taken up during the 171-day legislative session that ended June 30 that everyone knew would be contentious, even in January.
Blackman takes Fann to task over comments on criminal justice bill
The House sponsor of a now-dead bill to expand Arizona’s system of earned release credits said Friday that Senate President Karen Fann has mischaracterized what the bill would have done.
Court: Mesnard lost immunity with press release
State lawmakers have absolute immunity from being sued by those who are the targets of legislative investigative reports, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled Wednesday.
Supreme Court to rule on Arizona voting laws as term comes to close
It's not just the future of whether Arizona gets to keep its ban on "ballot harvesting'' that the U.S. Supreme Court will decide this week.
Ducey agrees to forgo emergency powers to get vote on budget
Gov. Doug Ducey has agreed to give up the emergency powers he granted himself 15 months ago to get the last vote necessary for his tax cut plan for the wealthiest in the state.