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Kate Brophy McGee

Jake's Law, Jake Machovsky
Sep 1, 2022

Youth access to mental health care improved under Jake’s Law, but persistent barriers hamper its reach

In March 2020, Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law a sweeping set of measures designed to help curb rising rates of suicide and expand access to mental health treatment for Arizona residents with and without insurance.

Dec 17, 2021

Child abuse investigation backlog soars

Once again, the Department of Child Safety has fallen behind on child abuse and neglect investigations.

vote, politics, Democrats, Republicans, divisiveness, women's rights, democracy, education, family values
May 21, 2021

Races for 2022 statewide offices taking shape

Arizona is sitting somewhere between keeping the 2020 election alive and preparing for the 2022 election, where all statewide executive offices will be on the ballot as well as a U.S. Senate seat.

abortion, Planned Parenthood, 15 weeks, Lake, Hobbs, Masters, Kelly, Ciscomani, Engel, Lake, Hobbs, election, debate
Apr 7, 2021

Sweeping abortion legislation voted down in Senate

A Republican senator who has developed a reputation for carefully parsing bills dealt a blow to Arizona’s anti-abortion lobby when he voted against what would have been the most far-reaching abortion legislation passed in Arizona in years.

Feb 11, 2021

Boyer’s vote triggers threats of violence, retribution

Silence lingered as everyone in the room watched Boyer, then scanning through text messages to save the most overt threats for police. Boyer looked up and shook his head. The vote was over. His hellish week was just beginning.

Nov 19, 2020

Loss of moderate GOP lawmakers in Senate no boon for Dems

Democrats picked up one new seat in the state Senate, but are headed into the 2021 legislative session with potentially less power to stop Republican legislation.

Nov 13, 2020

Republicans file more lawsuits to challenge vote

With the tally of votes now showing Joe Biden winning Arizona, the state Republican Party and its allies are trying last-minute legal tactics to keep that from happening.

Nov 13, 2020

Marsh declares victory in tight senate race

Christine Marsh declared victory in a north Phoenix state Senate race Friday, confirming that legislative Democrats will gain one net seat from an election where they spent millions to flip both chambers.

Nov 13, 2020

Republicans aim to pull veil from small political contributions

Legislative Republicans who for years have trumpeted their support of money in politics are now looking for ways to curtail some spending after a tsunami of out-of-state Democratic dollars failed to result in the electoral take over Democrats sought.

Nov 13, 2020

Judge considers Trump legal challenge to election

The Trump campaign made a last-ditch effort Thursday to get a judge to order more ballots examined by hand and counted in Maricopa County in hopes of altering the state's election results.

Nov 12, 2020

Ducey loses big with Trump, taxes, legal pot

Republican Governor Doug Ducey was able to keep the Arizona Legislature red, but not everything worked out to his benefit, based on unofficial election results.

Nov 11, 2020

Bowers, Fann retain leadership posts; Dems choose Bolding, Rios

Legislative Republican and Democratic caucuses met separately this and last week to select leadership following a topsy-turvy election that saw statewide Democrats succeed but the party’s legislative candidates flounder under... […]


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