Innovative approach pinpoints solutions to mental health issues
Just like diabetes and hypertension, mental illness is an ailment that is treatable — and if untreated can cause morbidity and mortality.
Expand Medicaid for the sake of people like Christine Zeigra
Arizona’s option to restore and expand Medicaid has been hotly debated for months, with most of the conversation revolving around dollars and cents, or politics and bureaucracy. Sadly, the Arizonans who need action from our lawmakers are the people whose voices are rarely heard.
Brewer and Campbell would give up local control of Arizona health care
Gov. Jan Brewer’s federal government expansion plan, spearheaded by Sen. John McComish’s amendment to SB1492, denies our ability to decide what health care we want to provide our citizens and how much to pay.
In voting for Medicaid, senators were just doing their job
It was heartening to see The Arizona Republic editorial board endorse the Arizona Senate’s action to support Governor Jan Brewer’s Medicaid proposal as “courageous.” While it is always nice to get accolades in politics, I must admit it was not an act of courage, but simply what we were elected to do.
Brewer, McComish faulted for working with local church group on Medicaid
Letter writer criticizes Brewer for working with nonprofit faith-based organization on her plan to for AHCCCS expansion
Medicaid plan will bring affordable health care to the uninsured
Our state faces compelling choices for deciding our future. Resolving the current legislative stalemate over Medicaid will determine whether hundreds of thousands will qualify for health coverage and our state budget can begin to return to an effective level.
Arizona’s online public schools deserve equal funding
Fairness is among the first lessons we teach our children. Wait your turn, share your toys, obey the rules. So why is this value absent when it comes to funding children’s public education? I can’t fully answer that question. Neither can the thousands of parents like me whose children attend Arizona’s virtual public charter schools. Though our children are public school students under Arizon[...]
Let’s stop funding reckless GOP officials
As a precinct committeewoman from Legislative District 28 in North Central Phoenix, I was once again dismayed and insulted by my own party’s actions. The party faithful toils so hard while party officials squander their labor on undisciplined, mean-spirited name-calling that serves no other purpose than to bolster big egos and small ideas.
4 financial planning tips to prepare for the debt ceiling outcome
With the “fiscal cliff” behind us, Americans now have a new concern on the horizon — the debt ceiling. The fiscal cliff resulted in an average tax increase of $1,600 per year for most taxpayers, and the impact debt ceiling negotiations will have is still uncertain. In light of the uncertainty, consumers are becoming even more diligent when it comes to their spending and saving habits.
We can generate clean energy while protecting our natural beauty
Like most elected officials, I’ve had to balance demands from diverse constituents over the years. No one ever seems completely satisfied, but I always tried to find policies that served the public need and were cost-effective. Of course, it is best when policies enjoy broad popular support, an especially difficult task in today’s polarized politics.
Sound, long-range planning — not politics — needed at Navajo coal plant
Election seasons are always filled with spin and rhetoric. But important issues for Arizonans are not well-served when that’s too much the case and the facts get lost.
‘Dreamers’ deserve a chance to remain in the U.S.
On Aug. 15, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services began accepting requests for consideration of deferred deportation action for some people who came to the United States as children.