Public education groups launch referendums
The Invest in Arizona coalition launched its signature gathering campaign July 17, looking to take three measures to Arizona voters in 2022.
We must keep the heat on voucher backers
So, the fight continues because those in power do not care. So we watch. We attend hearings. We fill committee rooms. We report. We post. We tweet. We expose. We write these letters. We keep pushing the truth against those that want to twist, ignore or deny the facts.
Republicans vote to expand voucher program, revamp oversight
Republican senators advanced a bill that would expand eligibility for Arizona’s school voucher program and strip oversight of those vouchers from the newly elected Democratic head of the Department of Education.
Rep. Finchem bill proposes electronic signatures for ballot measures
A proposal by a Southern Arizona lawmaker could make it easier for groups to propose their own state laws and constitutional amendments.
Prop. 305 defeat doesn’t end fight over voucher expansion
More than 1 million voters rejected lawmakers’ attempt to allow every public school student in Arizona to attend private or parochial schools on taxpayer dollars – but the fight isn’t over.
Proposition 305: Voters scrub voucher expansion
Arizona voters refused Tuesday to ratify a bid by Gov. Doug Ducey and Republican lawmakers to allow any of the state's 1.1 million students in public schools to get vouchers of state tax dollars to attend private and parochial schools.
No protection in election law for some campaign signs
Removing or replacing damaged signs is a part of Jenny Clark’s daily routine.
Campaigns spend nearly $54 million on renewable energy ballot measure
The state's largest electric company has now poured more than $30 million into its bid to convince Arizonans not to force it and other utilities to use more renewable resources.
Charlie Levy: Quenching the thirst for political knowledge
When we last spoke with music venue extraordinaire Charlie Levy, he was delighting Phoenix politicos with cleverly-named cocktails featuring some of your favorite local politicians. Now he has gone viral, thanks to a nonpartisan voter guide to Arizona ballot initiatives
Yes or no, ballot measure tricky vote
It seems a bit out of Alice in Wonderland. But if you support the goals of those who put Proposition 305 on the ballot -- opposition to expansion of vouchers -- you have to vote "no'' in November.
Both sides of voucher war prepare for battles after vote
Opponents of Proposition 305 may soon cry victory over its defeat, but the fight over school choice and Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Accounts will not end in November.
No matter the vote, empowerment scholarships have helped many
In November, Arizona voters will decide whether expanding the state’s Empowerment Scholarship Account program makes sense. It was originally started to help the parents of disabled children, foster children, or parents who are active military. It evolved, with little controversy, to include adopted children, children attending D/F rated schools, and those in Native American communities. About 5,[...]