Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Times Staff
Capitol Quotes: Oct. 21, 2011
This week’s most outstanding utterances, gibes and quips.
‘Capitol Times’ takes home 12 first-place awards
The Arizona Capitol Times won 19 awards, including first place in its division for “General Excellence,” in the 2011 Arizona Newspaper Association’s Better Newspaper Contest.
Capitol Quotes: Oct. 14, 2011
This week’s most outstanding utterances, gibes and quips.
Capitol Quotes: Oct. 7, 2011
This week’s most outstanding utterances, gibes and quips.
Cortes bows out to avoid court hearing
Olivia Cortes, who faced a lawsuit claiming she was a sham candidate, withdrew today from the recall election targeting Senate President Russell Pearce.
Her withdrawal from the high-profile race was part of a deal she made to avoid having to face another court hearing on Friday in which more witnesses were expected to link her candidacy with Pearce supporters.
Capitol Quotes: Sept. 30, 2011
This week's most outstanding quips, jibes and utterances.
High unemployment rates remain a problem for Arizona rural areas
In a state where unemployment remains high as much of the rest of the nation recovers from the Great Recession, Yuma stands out. The metropolitan area’s jobless rate of 15.9 percent in August was the nation’s second highest, trailing only nearby El Centro, Calif., according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Ed Board delays release of school grading system
The Arizona State Board of Education decided today to delay releasing the specifics of its new school assessment rating system to further study how certain populations of students should be figured into the overall score.
Don’t ask, don’t tell? Don’t worry. Bases say gay-ban repeal passes quietly
Air Force Sgt. Jaime Ciciora said she didn’t see much evidence around Luke Air Force Base this week that the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law dealing with gays in the military had been repealed. But that doesn’t mean that there weren’t some changes, even if they were subtle.
Hoover Dam
Construction of the Hoover Dam took five years — from 1931 to 1936 — to build what was then the largest concrete dam in the world. It was built in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, in northwestern Arizona on the border with Nevada.
Capitol Quotes: September 23, 2011
This week’s most outstanding utterances, gibes and quips.
Barry Gartell retiring from Arizona News Service
Arizona News Service will lose a veteran member of its newsroom later this month when Barry Gartell, the editor of the Arizona Legislative Report, retires and moves to suburban Boston.