Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Arizona’s election system trusted by both parties
Arizonans know that politicians sounding the alarm on a stolen election in our state are simply trying to divide us and create distrust in a system we’ve relied on for... […]
For Arizona’s children of immigrants, this election is personal
One week ahead of the most consequential elections in our lifetime, I am wary that this country is not the same one that welcomed my father in 1982. In honor of his sacrifice, and that made by millions of immigrants around the United States who left their homelands to make this country a better place, my goal is to dedicate my life and privilege as a first-generation American citizen to vote for a[...]
This year we have ‘Election Season,’ not Election Day
These next few weeks will test the strength of our democracy. Remember: vote, reject false claims of victory, be patient, and stay safe. There are better days ahead.
Legalizing marijuana use will create jobs and new revenue
Guest columnist Lisa James’ fear-mongering commentary October 26 on why Proposition 207 is losing support has little basis in reality.
Voter beware: Dem-controlled Senate would harm Arizona workers
The Democrats' immigration agenda is reckless. America's workers can't afford for Republicans to lose the Senate majority.
Adult-use marijuana a failed policy, vote no on Prop 207
Only a few players, mainly large corporations, even some with investments from Big Tobacco, benefit from the commercialization of marijuana. By all other measures, it’s failed policy.
Illegal immigration cost far too great for Arizona
Turning a blind eye to illegal immigration doesn’t come cheap, and Arizona taxpayers have been forced to subsidize our broken immigration system for far too long. For the sake of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens, we must remain committed to securing the border and not allow our recent successes to lull us into a false sense of complacency.
Here’s why Prop 207 is losing support
Prop 207 is not a moneymaker. It allocates no funds to k-12 education. It would bring more danger to our roads, harm to our kids, cost and headache to our employers, and Arizona’s Voter Protection Act would prevent lawmakers from fixing any problems that arise.
Legalized marijuana shrinks underground market
Arizona is on the verge of a tremendous victory for public safety. This election, voters will be asked whether to legalize and regulate marijuana for adults.
State must modernize energy rules by increasing renewable standards
Arizona utility regulators did a big thing recently, though it largely went unnoticed. They should be commended for coming together in bipartisan fashion to support a plan that has the... […]
Vote with confidence – Arizona runs elections well
Voting is now underway at a torrid pace, and soon we will know the much-anticipated results of our pending election. Still, we hear misguided threats and attempts to cast doubt... […]
Congress needs to come to rescue of restaurants
Across the country, restaurants are disappearing. Something needs to be done by Congress, and fast. The statistics are sobering. Since the start of the pandemic, one in six restaurants has... […]