Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Legalized marijuana shrinks underground market
Arizona is on the verge of a tremendous victory for public safety. This election, voters will be asked whether to legalize and regulate marijuana for adults.
State must modernize energy rules by increasing renewable standards
Arizona utility regulators did a big thing recently, though it largely went unnoticed. They should be commended for coming together in bipartisan fashion to support a plan that has the... […]
Vote with confidence – Arizona runs elections well
Voting is now underway at a torrid pace, and soon we will know the much-anticipated results of our pending election. Still, we hear misguided threats and attempts to cast doubt... […]
Congress needs to come to rescue of restaurants
Across the country, restaurants are disappearing. Something needs to be done by Congress, and fast. The statistics are sobering. Since the start of the pandemic, one in six restaurants has... […]
We must find common ground on health care
Serving on the Phoenix City Council has taught both of us that when it comes to making Phoenix residents’ day-to-day life better, we must work together. We may not align... […]
When the presidency trumps democracy
While I am concerned about certain tax policies proposed by the Democrats, the fact is we can negotiate policy. We cannot negotiate morality. We must first stop the moral decay of America, and everything else can follow.
Leadership lessons unlearned by those we elect
John McCain knew what it meant to put the interests of constituents before the interests of party. We desperately need that kind of leader now. I remain hopeful.
Arizona’s economy does not need a tax increase
Arizona’s economy is just starting to come back from a devastating spring and summer due to the pandemic shutdowns. The last thing we should do is pump the breaks on the recovery by putting in place the largest permanent tax increase in state history.
Corporation Commissioners: Be leaders we elected you to be
Clean energy improves the air we breathe, supports healthy communities and helps reduce global warming pollution that has led to prolonged drought and extreme temperatures in the West.
Bad timing of big tax means huge problems for Arizona
We can help our economy to recover and public education to improve. But Proposition 208 is not the way to do it. Our state will be much better, as a whole, if it rejects the economic consequences of this measure in favor of a more measured approach that does right by our children, small businesses and employees, rather than pit them against each other.
A word to the candidates
Voters are looking to you for answers, so remember that together we will stand and flourish while the continued divisiveness is beneficial to no one.
Wildfires are raging – here’s how we can stop them
Wildfires are raging again as millions of acres across the American West succumb to a wave of devastating infernos. Our forests are literally dying for a solution.