Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Arizona’s health care industry contributes to state’s economy
The Super Bowl. The Final Four. A new corporate headquarters. These are all huge economic wins that are touted by leaders across the state when secured. But, there’s an industry in Arizona that contributes at a greater scale, and continues to grow and thrive even during economic downturns. This is Arizona’s health care industry.
Education Department keeps children from education they deserve
It’s time to knock it off and do what the ESA program was created to do – provide each child with a real chance at educational success. It’s time to stop bullying the families who participate. And it’s time to do what’s right for our kids.
Student success is about teachers, not the state’s English policy
Our policy leaders should regulate school programs with the same ‘light hand’ that they believe in regulating everything else, including themselves. Simply put, Arizona’s citizens know that our teachers need to be supported and basic principles of fairness should apply to all of us. Children should not be forced to learn English through structured state-mandated English policy.
Time has come for over-the-counter hormonal birth control
Women need easy and reliable access to birth control.
Respite centers for homeless are a critical component of the health care system
Providing health care to the homeless is an issue that affects everyone. It is time that we, and our elected officials, embrace the solutions at hand. Respite Centers are a critical component of the health care system, and a vital resource in the pursuit to end homelessness.
Writer misinterprets simple bill on freedom – it’s not anti-vaccination
I realize that nosy, big government, progressive ninnies do not like personal liberties and reasonable responsibilities to prevail, however this is Arizona and as our great governor Doug Ducey has said, we do things "the Arizona way," like protect parental rights, personal liberties, and our children.
The ‘silver tsunami’ is here – are we ready for it?
Our elected officials must work together with stakeholders and providers so together we can reduce senior homelessness, help older Arizonans remain in their homes, and age with the peace and dignity they deserve.
Census touches every life in Arizona, count must be complete
Arizona has seen major growth over the past ten years, and we’re on track for more. The 2020 Census is our opportunity to ensure that through our complete count, we can preserve Arizona’s outstanding quality of life and plan for the next decade.
Arizona poised to win in new economy if we invest wisely
Make no mistake about it. The race to win in the new economy is competitive and it has already begun. Arizona is poised to be a winner in this race if we take advantage of what we have and invest wisely. What ABOR has proposed is to use this investment to put ASU to work for Arizona and win the race.
We’re Ready to Act Now to Protect our Air, Water and Land for Generations to Come
When I ask people what they like most about living in Arizona, it’s unusual to get a response that doesn’t mention the environment. Sure, there’s always the “I don’t like to shovel," but more often I get “It’s a darn beautiful place,” “My wife and I, we like to hike” or “What’s wrong with you, haven’t you felt the sun and seen the mountains?”
Step therapy takes health out of health care
We all agree, health care costs must be managed. But to overlook the word “health” in providing health care removes all purpose. Rep. Nancy Barto is sponsoring HB2410, which will establish transparency, efficiency and fairness in patient health care through necessary reforms to step therapy protocols.
McSally’s history with truth questionable at best
I’d like to address the claims in Sen. Martha McSally’s recent op-ed on the “truth.” Ok. Let’s talk about the truth.