Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Time to start on pragmatic solution to education funding
For many years, Arizona voters have sent a clear message – they want a pragmatic, long-term solution for education funding.
Bipartisan support of federal act would enhance public lands
In the business world, executives and boards of directors make spending decisions based on costs, benefits, returns on investment and many other factors. The goal, of course, is to ensure the growth and profitability of their businesses, regardless of personal political views.
Herrod wrong, our country needs Equal Rights Amendment
As a pro-life Republican who also was a chief advocate for passage of the ERA in Illinois, I read with interest the opinion authored by Cathy Herrod about the Equal Rights Amendment.
Bill Montgomery is perfect candidate for state Supreme Court
I write to take exception to the op-ed about the nomination of Bill Montgomery to our state Supreme Court, written by Mark Harrison and published on Aug. 16. I do not know Harrison, but I have known Montgomery in various capacities for many years. Having written a graduate thesis on U.S. Supreme Court nominees and nominations, I’d also like to think I know something about judicial qualifications[...]
Prisoners need programs for success after release
I was elected to the Arizona House of Representatives on a promise that I would fight for individual liberty and hold those who break our laws accountable, and my fight to reform Arizona’s criminal justice system is consistent with those principles.
Arizona deserves more from its criminal justice system
This past year, my journey to be crowned and named Miss Maricopa County brought me some of the most fulfilling moments of my life. As I prepared for the Miss Maricopa County and Miss Arizona competitions, I had the opportunity to meet with and listen to the concerns of fellow Arizonans.
New prison director to face substantial challenges
Arizona, like many other states, is faced with the need to address criminal justice reform by reducing recidivism and improving post release reintegration.
Women do need constitutional protections and guarantees
In her desire to keep women subordinate to men, Cathi Herrod is purposefully downplaying the Equal Rights Amendment’s far reaching impact on women’s lives, and dangerously misrepresenting the facts.
We need to address root cause of high drug prices
There’s no denying that the high cost of prescription drugs is hurting Arizonans.
Senate bill limits choices, could upend drug benefits marketplace
Congress should seek to increase competition to lower the costs of prescription drugs, rather than stripping away plan sponsor and employer choice from their health care contracting decisions and handing that authority to the government. We can do better, and look forward to working with Arizona’s lawmakers to develop solutions that will preserve choices for plan sponsors and the individuals the[...]
Demonizing Bill Montgomery contrary to merit selection
Yes, Mr. Montgomery took a novel path to eventual consideration to serve on the Arizona Supreme Court. If selected, he would bring a different perspective developed by a unique life of public service. He represents the values engrained in military service. Similar to Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, who also served as an elected leader before moving to the judiciary, he understands the difficulties [...]
Reg flag gun laws leave innocent people vulnerable
Let us continue to defend ourselves without any type of government interference or violation of our God given rights.