Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Opioid crisis fix attracts foreign counterfeit pharmaceutical drugs
Based on our counterfeit opioid drug crises, it’s important to “know your source” when it comes to your medication and beware of advertisers offering large discounts on foreign prescription drugs. Lawmakers and citizens should be skeptical of any proposals to “legally” allow the foreign importation of prescription drugs into the U.S. and placing Americans at risk.
Both sides of school choice debate lose sight of best interest for kids
The political fight over School Choice - Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Accounts seem to never end. The latest battle continues over a small group of Navajo children, who needed the Education Savings Accounts to attend a school in New Mexico just over the Arizona state line.
America’s Energy, Tech and Defense Future Needs Mining
As the recent trade war with China has escalated, Beijing has implied that it may retaliate by withholding rare earth minerals. Such a strategic vulnerability – and America’s alarmingly high reliance on imported minerals and metals – is now in the spotlight for all the world to see.
Don’t fall for scare tactics, falsehoods on Medicare for All
In U.S. Rep. Debbie Lesko’s June 5th, 2019, article, she stated "Medicare for All strips away health care freedom." However, just the opposite is true. People will have freedom to choose their doctor with no networks to worry about, fear of bills they cannot pay, or going into bankruptcy. Everyone benefits, seniors on Medicare, those with employer-based insurance, those with pre-existing con[...]
The good, the bad, the ugly of my first legislative session
I am proud of what we accomplished this year and of the relationships we’ve built. It makes me optimistic about the possibilities the next legislative session holds as we commit ourselves to proactively building coalitions to find sustainable, effective solutions for education.
Politically motivated laws hurt women’s health, violate rights
Using politically motivated laws driven by uninformed opinions to regulate abortion providers hurts women’s health and decimates women’s rights. As a trusted, nonprofit health care provider, Planned Parenthood will not rest until every Arizonan has access to the full-range of reproductive health care services, including abortion. It’s
Sentencing reform veto shows how prosecutors perpetuate injustice
In Arizona, the term “repetitive offender,” applied for the purpose of setting prison terms, doesn’t mean what you think it means.
State agency turns its back on kids who need support
One of the guiding principles listed on the Arizona Department of Child Safety website is: “All Arizona’s children are safe and protected from harm.”
My father taught me what law should guarantee — equality of opportunity
I love you dearly, Dad, and am humbled by the sacrifices you have undertaken for me and my successes in life. One day soon, the full equality you have pledged to me will be realized through the addition of the ERA to the U.S. Constitution, and you need not worry so much about the obstacles confronting me. The law will guarantee me equality in opportunity and I will make the absolute most of it, be[...]
A thank you to Gov. Ducey, Legislature
On behalf of the members of the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits and its members I would like to extend our gratitude and thanks for the support of Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey and the Arizona Legislature in approving legislation enabling Arizona taxpayers to take deductions for donations to nonprofits even if they are not itemizing their returns.
Everyone should have a vote in the presidential preference election
In 2020, qualified independent voters who want to vote in the presidential preference election will be required to join a private organization, a “recognized party,” by February 19 to participate in the March 17 election. One-third of Arizona’s registered voters are independents. To be forced to join a party to vote for the president of all Americans violates the very idea of America. It is [...]
ESAs help families find best schools, education options
Education Savings Accounts can be essential to families finding the best educational paths for their children. Not everyone can afford a private school tuition, but thanks to Arizona law and ESAs anyone can.