Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
AHCCCS Complete Care – a game-changer for patients, providers
We congratulate AHCCCS on the implementation of AHCCCS Complete Care – a model surely to be duplicated elsewhere and one that will better serve patients, providers and everyone involved in the care for Arizonans for years to come.
Proposition 126 a pay cut for state’s teachers
Valuing the teaching profession is important to the citizens of Arizona as evidenced by numerous news reports and public opinion polls. In response, commitments have been appropriately made by the Legislature and governor to increase teacher pay. Ironically, Proposition 126 will negate a significant portion of their efforts to address the issue.
Family overcomes bad hand
For many years Kevin DeMenna had a lobbying practice second to few at the Arizona state Capitol. Then some personal health challenges and a legal situation put a dent in the business. Over these years the business had evolved to include Kevin’s sons, a construct many fathers would be proud of, and relish.
Prop. 127 will divert money from schools in name of idealism
Voting “No” on Proposition 127 won’t stop the expansion of renewable energy in Arizona, but it will protect our schools from more mandates that take money away from classrooms where our children are trying to learn. And, that makes Arizona a better place – for kids and for Arizona’s future.
Keeping Navajo plant protects jobs, tribes, rural communities
Like all meaningful opportunities for economic development, we should pull out all the stops to keep the Navajo Generating Station online. We owe it to the Navajo and Hopi people, and we owe it to ourselves to fight for our energy security, our economic strength and our rural communities.
All public schools should be owned by the public
When tax dollars pay for the building of a public highway, a state building, a city or county building, or buildings in a traditional school district, the property belongs to the public, not a private individual or company.
It’s our responsibility to elect leaders who care
This is the most important election in our history. You don’t have to take my word for it. Our last president knows it’s true. So do something. Now.
Brutal political fight to expand Medicaid was worth it
Yes, the political fight of five years ago to restore and expand AHCCCS was brutal. But it was worth it.
Can America’s power grid support millions of electric cars?
Electric cars are undoubtedly coming, and a new electric age is on the horizon. Meeting this increased electricity demand will be no simple feat, though. America’s power grid will be pushed to the max. What’s needed is a balanced, diverse electricity mix that incorporates coal, natural gas, nuclear, wind, and solar in the most efficient means possible. To prepare for tomorrow’s challenges, i[...]
Arizona is filling its prisons with ‘folks we’re just mad at’
Arizona is at a crossroads. Should we continue to build more costly prisons and fill them with low-level offenders? Or should we follow the lead of many other conservative states that reserve expensive prison beds for violent offenders, and direct the savings to programs that have been proven to reduce repeat offenses?
Defense of Rep. Farnsworth and his school misses key points
Having read Shalisa Arnold’s full-throated defense of legislator and charter operator Eddie Farnsworth and his Benjamin Franklin Charter Schools, I thought, “Huh. Ms. Arnold missed a few salient points.”
Light rail corridor change would jeopardize funding so late in game
I strongly encourage the Mayor and Council to move forward to preserve South Central Corridor. It is the only decision that will preserve the will of the voters, not jeopardize the funding grant from the Federal Transportation Authority, and reinforce the value of light rail in Phoenix. Our leaders must stay the course and continue support for this important project. It is the only prudent cou[...]