Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Arizona water policy requires continued vision and leadership
Was this just a brief respite from 20-plus years of drought, or are we finally at the end of the latest 20- or 30-year dry cycle and ready to start the next wetter period? We don’t know the answers to those questions yet.
Preserving Arizona’s remaining rivers, streams, springs
For those of us that do not follow the intricacies of water policy, we are left asking basic questions, such as how to deal with drought and climate change? How do we manage growth and economic development opportunities sustainably to support future generations? And importantly, how can we ensure that Arizona’s last remaining rivers, streams, and springs are preserved, not just for future genera[...]
It’s simple, really: Arizona’s economy is tied to water
Many of us take our water supply for granted, yet as water becomes scarcer it is more important than ever to be clear who speaks for the diverse interests and people of Arizona. Efforts are moving forward to avert a potential crisis for Arizona due to the declining reservoir levels on the Colorado River – these are very important to manage water scarcity in the short term.
Let’s protect the Colorado River, and the lives that depend on it
The Colorado River Indian Tribes are seeking to protect the life of the river and potentially the lives that depend on it. Any leasing of our water beyond our borders, as other tribes have done, is complex and challenging. Yet, there could be many opportunities for mutual gains for water users in the state of Arizona and economic gains for our people.
Let’s welcome robust, uncomfortable, contentious discussion
The state of Arizona is experiencing a paradigm shift. We spent the last 30 years taking as much water off the Colorado River as possible to keep it away from California. Now, the waters of the Colorado River are not only fully subscribed each year, but over-allocated compared to the true yield of the river.
‘Institute’ report reads like hit piece, charter schools well regulated, transparent
I was disappointed to read that a loosely organized “institute” of former elected officials and politicians released a report – not on how to help all schools improve – but, rather, singling out charter schools for unfounded criticism. The report is riddled with errors and inconsistencies, and drips with sarcasm. Suffice to say, it reads more like a campaign hit-piece than a scholarly anal[...]
Legal, but unethical – most charter schools use public funds for questionable transactions
A majority of Arizona’s charter schools spend taxpayer dollars on non-competitive business arrangements with for-profit businesses that are owned by the charter holder, board members, or their relatives. Grand Canyon Institute’s research found that 77 percent of charter schools engage in ‘related-party transactions’ in a manner that is not in the best interests of Arizona’s students, par[...]
Cassidy-Graham bill will harm Arizonans
A last ditch effort authored by U.S. Sens. Bill Cassidy, M.D., R-Louisiana, and Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, would deal a devastating blow to vulnerable patients in Arizona. Millions of Americans... […]
Students struggling to read can’t be dismissed – they’re a crisis we must address
If we really want to improve education in Arizona, if we really want to improve Arizona’s economy, helping struggling readers is where we need to start. It’s an issue that impacts every Arizonan. Ultimately, we are all in this together. Struggling readers are not “those kids.” They are Arizona’s kids, and they are our future.
Air Traffic Control’s No. 1 job is safety; creating separate nonprofit unwise
The case for a privatization or corporatization of U.S. air traffic control remains to be made. FAA is charged by some privatization advocates as being too “risk-averse.” I don’t know about you, but when I’m sitting in a chair, in the sky, I like risk-averse.
Mexico, NAFTA top priorities for historic Arizona trade delegation
Trade with Mexico is a vital piece in growing our economy and brings with it employment for tens of thousands. As leaders focused on doing what’s best for Arizona businesses, we will continue to advocate for regular trade delegations to Mexico to foster constructive relationships and enhance pro-growth policies.
McCain and Ducey know Cassidy-Graham health plan another danger to Arizonans
Ducey should know this bill would mean a reversal on his promise and McCain understands that without engagement with Democrats and stakeholders in the health care world, this proposal offers the same failed plan just with a different name. Parents and grandparents, people with disabilities, seniors and working adults, hospitals and physicians all reject this misguided approach. Arizona leaders s[...]