Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
One job opening leads to another
Sources say that House GOP Chief of Staff Victor Riches has been hired as Goldwater Institute’s vice president and will be leaving the Legislature in October.
With a cherry on top
After blasting the Obama administration for FEMA’s decision to deny a Major Disaster Declaration for Yarnell, Tobin joined hands with Campbell to ask the feds to reconsider.
Cardon candidacy claims first victim
Many railbirds wondered how long it would take GOP secretary of state candidates to drop out of the race after Wil Cardon got in, and they got their answer today.
Medicaid backers tout poll showing broad support
Previous polling has generally shown public support for Medicaid expansion, and a new poll commissioned by Restoring Arizona shows the highest level of support yet.
Don’t start measuring for drapes yet
Tobin will stay on as speaker even if he decides to run in CD1, a source close to Tobin told our reporter this morning.
Source: Tobin may jump into CD1 race this month
A source close to Tobin told our reporter this afternoon that the speaker is seriously looking into jumping into the CD1 race and is currently fielding calls in his district to assess whether he should run for Congress.
Durbin puts Goldwater Institute on the spot
US Senator Dick Durbin, who is planning to convene a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights on “stand-your-ground” laws next month, asked Goldwater Institute President Darcy Olsen this week to clarify the conservative group’s position on the controversial law, which Durbin said is an American Legislative Exchange Council “m[...]
Not exactly the heist of the century
An LD29 exploratory candidate and her campaign treasurer were booked into Maricopa County jail last week for allegedly helping a woman take her six-year-old son from a CPS office during a supervised visitation in Tucson.
Jones building team for Gov’s race
Republican Christine Jones, GoDaddy’s former general counsel and executive vice president, is preparing to toss her hat in the gubernatorial ring.
Cardon back in the saddle again
Forty-nine weeks after Flake drummed Wil Cardon by 48 percentage points in the US Senate primary election, the Mesa businessman officially returned to Arizona’s political scene, announcing his candidacy today for secretary of state.
Coming attractions: Hale v. Begay
Hale has hired attorney Tom Ryan, who is preparing a complaint that challenges Carlyle Begay’s appointment to the state Senate.
Investors closely watch deregulation debate in AZ
Investors raised numerous questions about the deregulation debate in Arizona and the future of the Four Corners Power Plant during a conference call to discuss APS’s quarterly earnings report, which was released this morning (Aug. 2).