Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
DeWit feels Cruz campaign’s icy blast in delegate fight
DeWit agrees with a growing sentiment among some activists that the Arizona Republican Party’s requirement that district and county parties allow proxy votes in selecting state convention delegates hurts Trump and aids Cruz.
For every solar action, there’s an opposite APS reaction
Lesko today confirmed that she’s working with APS, Legislative Council, and Marc Osborn of Arizona Prosperity Alliance to craft a referendum to compete with Kris Mayes’ pro-solar initiative.
The Never Trump strategy?
Some longtime Republican activists are speculating that the Arizona Republican Party’s decision to allow the use of proxy votes at the 40 district and county meetings (where 1,251 delegates to the party’s April 30 state convention were elected) is not only a break from decades of precedent, but potentially a strategy to undermine Trump.
Gowan leads GOP field in CD1 fundraising
Congressional campaign finance reports were due Friday, and McSally once again proved to be the most prodigious fundraiser, hauling in $853,000 in the first quarter of the year. That gives her more than $4.4 million raised this cycle, and she ended March with more than $2.2 million in cash.
Here comes solar’s nuclear option
A ballot initiative filed today takes aim at several tactics used by utilities that critics say are meant to undermine rooftop solar. The initiative would preserve net metering, allowing customers to get paid the full retail rate for excess energy produced by their solar systems.
AZ Coyotes want the public to pay for a new stadium
The Arizona Coyotes hockey team has quietly shopped legislation to allow the team to build a new publicly funded arena, but it will have to find a way to overcome... […]
We’ll know soon if it’s for real or if it flames out
The Arizona Advocacy Network-backed Arizona Clean and Accountable Elections Act isn’t off to a great start, according to a source with knowledge of the details. To read more on this... […]
Gowan backs down
In a surprising twist, Gowan today reversed his decision to impose a background check before reporters could gain access to the House floor. To read more on this item plus... […]
Ducey hints he is open to KidsCare restoration
While Biggs is adamantly opposed to restoring KidsCare, Ducey suggested today that it could end up in the budget. To read more on this item plus all the stories in... […]
If only this were the first time they tried something
This isn’t the first attempt to “target” Hank Stephenson or the Capitol Times: It’s the third time since January the chamber has tried to banish him from the floor. To read... […]
Gowan pulls his best karate move yet against reporters
Gowan pulls his best karate move yet against reporters
Developer invited Gowan to front row at D-backs game
Developer invited Gowan to front row at D-backs game