Innovative Solutions to Arizona’s Healthcare Crisis
More than a medical school, ASU Health will empower people to better manage their personal health while also creating a learning and teaching ecosystem to tackle the state’s urgent healthcare needs.
Groundwater in Rural Arizona: Its importance to communities and how we can manage this essential resource
In more than 80 percent of Arizona, groundwater use is unmanaged, meaning anyone can drill a well and withdraw groundwater—even if that impacts a neighboring well, a nearby stream, or threatens a community’s water supply.
2024 Elections: What Arizona can expect this Presidential Election Year
Arizona voters will have three statewide elections to vote in next year. From major political spending to new election laws, and discussions on voter participation, election security and civic engagement, voters should join this Morning Scoop to hear from election experts so they can prepare for 2024.
Apprenticeships – A Path to Economic Growth
Our country's infrastructure is dependent on the construction industry not only for development but for future economic growth.
College attainment and growing Arizona’s workforce
Arizona will need at least 500,000 additional college degrees and certificates to meet the Achieve60AZ goal of ensuring that 60% of working-age adults in Arizona hold a postsecondary credential by 2030. Currently, only 48% of Arizonans meet that.
Improving Arizona Education Attainment Levels
Nearly 65% of all jobs require post-secondary education but Arizona trails the rest of the nation in students who go to college with less than half enrolling in a two or four-year college We’ll discuss how Arizona’s Career and Technical Education Districts (CTEDs) are in a better position to help with faster and less expensive pathways to associate degrees or credentials.
Arizona’s Air Pollution Health Crisis
In this Morning Scoop, we'll discuss Phoenix's ranking as one of the most polluted cities in the U.S. for ozone and particulate pollution and how it disproportionately affects communities of color. Moving to clean energy practices and policies has been seen as a vital way to reduce air pollution and improve lung health in the process.
Diving Into Arizona’s Water Management
In this Morning Scoop, we’ll update you on the most recent water shortage declaration and what it means for Arizona. We’ll also cover conservation programs available to Arizona cities and towns along with needed investments in infrastructure.
Arizona’s Roadmap to Clean Energy
Arizona, from our forest to our desert landscapes, is one of the most beautiful and environmentally diverse states in the country. Yet our state is a living example of the disruptive impacts of climate change. We have arrived at an inflection point in history, in which we have years, not decades, to take on the interconnected crises of rapid climate change and biodiversity loss.
A model for other states or a threat to free speech?
Arizona’s Right to Know Act passed overwhelmingly at the polls in November, but many say it infringes on the First Amendment rights of nonprofits and their supporters. Our panel will discuss the law’s effect on free speech and the efforts to strike it down in the courts.
Water Issues in Arizona
In this Morning Scoop, we’ll explore Colorado River water and how itwill be dispersed among various states, and what it means for Arizona. We will also discuss short-term and long-term solutions to the water shortage crisis that are being considered.
Prop 400 is expiring
Business and Community leaders from across Maricopa County are calling on lawmakers to pass legislation enabling a Prop. 400 extension that would allow for the continuation of smart investments in our comprehensive transportation network. Leaders say this is an “all-hands-on-deck moment” to maintain our exceptional quality of life, vibrant economy, safety on roadways, and transit options for a[...]