
Doug Little

dark money, Proposition 211, Right to Know Act, Americans for Prosperity
Aug 7, 2023

Petersen and Toma in court filing aim to quash Prop 211

With efforts by one set of foes already rebuffed, the state's top Republican lawmakers are making their own bid to quash a new state law designed to shine a light on "dark money.''

Aug 6, 2021

Primaries 1-year away, races taking shape

Legislative and congressional districts could change dramatically after redistricting, and some newcomers and incumbents alike are waiting to see what the new districts look like before they decide whether to jump into a race.

May 7, 2020

Democrats hope for Corp Comm control as GOP candidates fall

Democratic control of the Arizona Corporation Commission could become a reality after multiple Republican candidates failed to make the ballot.

Mar 29, 2019

APS admits spending millions in 2014 election of energy regulators

The state’s largest electric utility admitted late Friday that it gave $10.7 million to organizations that spent heavily in the 2014 race for the Arizona Corporation Commission, which regulates energy companies.

Nov 13, 2018

Kennedy’s lead grows in Corp Comm race

The latest votes counted appear to put Democrat Sandra Kennedy close to being able to reclaim a seat on the Arizona Corporation Commission.

Oct 30, 2018

Sentiment towards APS could affect various political races

The outcome of several key races on next week's ballot could turn on how Arizonans feel about their utility company -- especially if it’s Arizona Public Service.

May 10, 2018

Bribery case witness list includes elected officials past and present

The witness list for the bribery case against Gary and Sherry Pierce, Jim Norton and George Johnson is a who’s who of Arizona politics.

Oct 17, 2017

Former Mesa lawmaker Justin Olson tapped as new utility regulator

Gov. Doug Ducey appointed former Mesa lawmaker Justin Olson to the Arizona Corporation Commission today.

Sep 13, 2017

Little to resign from Corp Comm for job in Trump administration

Arizona Corporation Commissioner Doug Little will resign his post after taking a job with the U.S. Department of Energy in Washington D.C.

Bob Burns explains why he was the lone vote against selecting Tom Forese as new chairman of the Arizona Corporation Commission (Capitol Media Services photo by Howard Fischer)
Aug 2, 2017

APS in court to block regulator from grilling executives

The attorney for the state's largest electric company told a trial judge Wednesday he has no authority to decide whether a utility regulator can grill her client's executives.

Jun 21, 2017

Burns weighs new lawsuit in his battles with Corp Comm, APS

Bob Burns is headed back to court -- and not just in his bid to get financial disclosure records from the state's largest electric utility.

Bob Burns explains why he was the lone vote against selecting Tom Forese as new chairman of the Arizona Corporation Commission (Capitol Media Services photo by Howard Fischer)
Apr 25, 2017

Burns takes another shot at unveiling ’14 election spending

State utility regulator Bob Burns wants a quick ruling on his bid to get records from Arizona Public Service to see if two of his colleagues should be barred from voting on the company's latest rate hike request.


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