
Mark Finchem

Aug 10, 2023

Finchem, Kern, Gosar must pay former minority leader’s legal fees

The state Court of Appeals rebuffed three current and former Republican lawmakers in their bid to avoid paying the legal fees of a Democrat who a trial judge said was unfairly sued by them.

Jul 16, 2023

Court to hear arguments on full hand counts in Cochise County

At least one appellate court judge appears ready to let Cochise County do a full hand count of its early ballots. But not of those voted at polling places.

May 27, 2023

Election denier Finchem penalized $40K, Lake off the hook

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Melissa Julian ordered Finchem to pay $40,565 in legal fees and costs to Adrian Fontes, the Democrat who defeated him in the November election.

elections, Ducey, Hobbs, Lake, Finchem, Mayes, Hamadeh, ballots, hand counts, election deniers
Apr 4, 2023

Senate votes to keep secretary of state from overseeing elections they’re in

The Republican-controlled Arizona Senate voted Tuesday to require that the state’s top election official not participate in overseeing elections in which he or she is on the ballot - leaving the proposal one vote away in the House from heading to Democratic governor and former secretary of state Katie Hobbs' desk.

Jan 2, 2023

Dershowitz distances himself from arguments in Kari Lake, Mark Finchem lawsuit

Famed attorney Alan Dershowitz wants to be excused from paying any sanctions in the failed lawsuit to require hand counts of votes, saying he really had nothing to do with the claims a judge rejected.

Finchem, Lake, election, governor, secretary of state, lawsuit, hand counts, ballots, sanctions, attorneys,
Dec 29, 2022

Lake, Finchem appeal for day in federal court

The top two Republicans who lost their races for state office last month are making a new legal bid in their separate efforts to outlaw the use of machines to tabulate votes in Arizona.

Finchem, Fontes, Lake, Hobbs, election contest lawsuit, ballots, ink, Maricopa County, general election, campaign, donors, Trump, insurrection, U.S. Capitol, riots, lawsuit, GOP, Arizona Republican Party, ballots, early voting, election challenge, Maricopa County, Jan. 6
Dec 17, 2022

Judge scorches Finchem, will consider sanctions

A judge late Friday quashed a bid by Mark Finchem to overturn his loss to Adrian Fontes for secretary of state, saying he presented no evidence to support such a radical move.

Lake, Hobbs, governor, Court of Appeals, election contest, general election, ballots, tabulation, Election Day, Republicans, Democrats, MAGA, secretary of state
Dec 16, 2022

Hobbs, Maricopa County attorneys say Lake lacks facts on fraud

Claims by failed gubernatorial hopeful Kari Lake that the general election was rigged and that printer issues were caused by "intentional misconduct'' are little more than speculation and should be dismissed, the attorney for Katie Hobbs, her successful Democratic foe argued Thursday.

election, Kavanagh, ballots, hand counts, tabulation, McSally, Kelly, Lake, Biden, Trump, legislation
Nov 10, 2022

Dems expand leads in key races, Election Day drop-offs could shift momentum

Democrats running for key statewide offices expanded narrow leads over their Republican opponents Thursday.

vote, politics, Democrats, Republicans, divisiveness, women's rights, democracy, education, family values
Oct 28, 2022

Dems point fingers, GOP redirects questions about ballot box watchers

Candidates running for statewide office in this year’s mid-term elections are responding to the reports of ballot box watchers staking out drop boxes in Phoenix and Mesa.  

Lake, governor, GOP, debate, PBS, Hobbs
Aug 22, 2022

Kari Lake quietly rescinds endorsement of Oklahoma candidate

After facing criticism, Kari Lake is quietly backpedaling her endorsement of an Oklahoma State Senate candidate who said that he’s “not beholden to Jews” and that “LGBTQ is the gateway to pedophilia.”  

Aug 18, 2022

Lawmakers who lost primaries plan next steps

Twenty-two lawmakers lost their races this year for various offices and won’t return to the Capitol for at least two years.


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