
Mark Finchem

Sep 27, 2021

Rally cry to decertify election grows louder

Supporters of Donald Trump are peppering Gov. Doug Ducey with demands that he decertify the election even though he says there's no legal authority for him to do that.

Sep 8, 2021

Rep. Roberts resigns, cites family reasons

Rep. Bret Roberts is resigning as of Sept. 30.

Aug 30, 2021

Fernandez fights Finchem, Kern lawsuit against her

A Yuma Democratic lawmaker is asking a judge to toss a defamation lawsuit filed against her by two Republican legislators and a member of Congress.

Aug 6, 2021

Primaries 1-year away, races taking shape

Legislative and congressional districts could change dramatically after redistricting, and some newcomers and incumbents alike are waiting to see what the new districts look like before they decide whether to jump into a race.

Jul 30, 2021

‘Why don’t you listen to what I have to say?’

The crowd’s treatment of her raised the question of whether the Arizona Republican Party is doomed in the 2022 general election if this crowd was going to turn on one of the most conservative lawmakers in the state

Jul 27, 2021

Audit Twitter accounts suspended, Bennett frozen out

When the Arizona audit began, the public had two avenues to receive information – former Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett and the Arizona Audit Twitter account – three months later, it has neither.

Jun 26, 2021

Lawmakers move to limit emergency powers of governor

With some verbal slaps at how Doug Ducey has handled the current emergency, Republican lawmakers voted Friday to ask Arizona voters to give them the right to quash future declarations.

vote, Lake, Hobbs, debate, PBS
Jun 25, 2021

Campaign launches range from amateurish to slick

Several political consultants accepted the Arizona Capitol Times’ invitation to critique the campaign kick-offs and comment on how their candidacies stack up.

Jun 24, 2021

GOP pushes ‘vague’ ballot security measures

Last-minute amendments to Arizona’s $12.8 billion budget codify election security concerns could pose trouble for the election officials required to carry out the new provisions from Trump supporters who say they believe the election was stolen and there is a deep bias against conservatives.

Jun 18, 2021

Sinema, Kelly, uncommitted on D.C. statehood

Thirty-three Democratic state senators and House members are calling on the state’s congressional delegation to support Washington, D.C., statehood, in advance of a June 22 U.S. Senate hearing on the topic.

Jun 18, 2021

Visiting politicians at ‘Madhouse’ to see ‘first domino’

Delegates from roughly a dozen states have made the pilgrimage to Arizona in hopes of replicating the state Senate’s partisan election audit, but legal and political barriers will probably keep them from succeeding.

Jun 15, 2021

Finchem recall effort fizzles

The group behind an effort to recall Rep. Mark Finchem has quit three weeks short of its deadline.


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