Recent Articles from Arizona Capitol Times Staff
Capitol Quotes: June 24, 2011
This week’s most outstanding utterances, gibes and quips.
1921: The First Republican-Controlled Senate
These are the members of the 1921-1922 Arizona Senate, the first chamber of the Arizona Legislature to be controlled by Republicans. The margin was just one vote, but that was certainly better for the Republicans than the make-up of the 1919-20 Senate, which was composed entirely of Democrats.
Capitol Quotes: June 17, 2011
This week's most outstanding utterances, gibes and quips.
Capitol Quotes: June 10, 2011
“Nothing will persuade me to adopt a failed Keynesian Obama stimulus that is dragging the economy down.” — Rep. John Kavanagh, R-Fountain Hills, on the unemployment insurance extension.
Capitol Quotes: June 3, 2011
This week’s most outstanding utterances and exclamations.
Fort Defiance
Fort Defiance, established in 1851, was the first military post established in what would become the Arizona Territory, and its post office, established in 1856, provided the future territory’s first postal service.
Capitol Quotes: May 27, 2010
This week's most outstanding quotes from around the Capitol.
Capitol Quotes: May 20, 2011
This week's most outstanding utterances and exclamations.
Capitol Quotes: 2011 Session Wrap
The most outstanding quotes of the whole session.
Small named Arizona News Service editor
Jim Small, editor of the Yellow Sheet Report, has been named Arizona News Service editor. In his new position, Small will be responsible for overall editorial content of Arizona Capitol Times,, Yellow Sheet Report and Arizona Legislative Report.