Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Arizona voting system is fair and secure – not rigged
For six years, I served as the Secretary of State here in Arizona, and oversaw 12 elections for federal, state and local races. I can tell you, unequivocally, without a doubt, that our electoral system is strong and that voting in Arizona remains free, fair, and secure.
Arizona’s minimum wage is far too low
As a small business owner, I am disappointed by business leaders’ recent calls to turn away from doing what’s right for our employees. On Nov. 8, Arizonans have an opportunity to vote on Proposition 206, the Arizona Healthy Working Families Initiative to raise the minimum wage and guarantee earned paid sick days.
Supreme Court won’t overturn Roe v. Wade no matter who’s elected president
The upcoming election is less about the presidential candidates themselves and more about the future of the Supreme Court and democratic (small “d”) principles.
Arizona can do more with energy efficiency
Though we’ve now proven that energy efficiency works, we’ve only just begun to tap its potential. Arizonans can continue to save as we cut energy waste by upgrading buildings, improving manufacturing production lines, and installing new sensors and controls. Doing so creates local, family-wage jobs that can’t be outsourced, and such efforts end up paying for themselves.
Proposition 205 won’t bring in the promised revenue
I am writing to voice my opposition to Proposition 205 and the legalization of recreational marijuana in Arizona. The marijuana industry in Arizona has failed to follow basic state law regarding the listing and reporting of their business personal property in Arizona.
Conservatives should seek to enable and fairly value solar power
Competitive markets are at the heart of American economic prosperity and stability. Unfortunately, this hasn’t been true of the monopoly-led, scandal-prone Arizona electricity industry.
PAFCO urges ‘yes’ vote for Healthy Working Families Initiative
At Protecting Arizona’s Family Coalition (PAFCO) we spend every day working for a more just and thriving state where all Arizonans have the chance to realize their potential. We believe raising the state’s minimum wage and giving all workers the chance to earn time off brings us closer to fulfilling that vision.
Early ballots arrive with pro-business voting opportunities
The choices that will decide the direction of our country, state and economy are being made right now. The most important thing we, as residents of Arizona and citizens of the United States, can do is cast our voice into the process.
Vote for candidates who support education
Vote for our children. As a former educator and new Arizona resident, I am appalled by the state of education here
How Proposition 206 will impact Arizona seniors
While much of the attention to Proposition 206 has been directed toward restaurant and other service workers, there is a larger and more vulnerable population that will be significantly impacted by raising the minimum wage in Arizona –seniors and those who care for them.
We all have a stake in the benefits of solar
The Arizona Corporation Commission is holding a proceeding to determine the value of rooftop solar, the value that utilities should pay customers who deliver electricity back to the grid. It is clear that rooftop solar benefits all Arizonans.
Legal pot increases crime, grows the black market
If you listen to those who want to legalize marijuana in Arizona, you’ll hear promises of how it will lower crime rates and end the black market. As a law enforcement officer in Colorado, I can tell you that these are empty promises and not what’s happening in Colorado. The problems have been much bigger than the benefits.