Recent Articles from Guest Opinion
Influx of Californians threatens to alter Arizona
I see it as my duty to challenge those who would attempt to alter the conditions that made my beloved Arizona a place worth living.
We need energy reliability and affordability, not power outages
Americans have been hoping for economic recovery and a return to normalcy. Instead, they’re experiencing ongoing pandemic concerns and the ravages of wildfires and hurricanes. And adding to their woes, they’re now increasingly worried that the electricity grid on which they depend could fail when they need it most.
Future hinges on new energy infrastructure
The U.S. energy market is changing more rapidly and dramatically than anyone would have predicted. A steep decline in the price of solar-generated electricity, combined with the rising cost of coal and gas-fired electricity, has turned energy economics on its head. This is particularly true here in the Southwest.
Let’s look into Sen. Fann’s complicity to prolong no-win situation
Was Karen Fann duped by strong-arm politicians intent on hammering home The Big Lie? Or has she been deliberately deceptive in knowingly hiring a company with partisan interests and then covering up the facts?
Elected leaders need to represent constituents, not billionaires
This should be a simple choice yet already some are generating political controversy rather than just doing the job they are elected to do: represent their constituents.
Top 5 reasons why SRP should not expand Coolidge gas generating station
The Salt River Project District board is on the cusp of approving a nearly $900 million expansion of the Coolidge Generating Station, which burns natural gas. The lurking decision is wrong for SRP customers and for all Arizonans, for a variety of reasons. Here are the top five:
Seniors need relief from extreme heat
Extreme heat has made summer a particularly deadly time for vulnerable populations throughout Arizona. Last summer, over 500 people — many of them seniors — tragically perished following days of unrelenting temperatures soaring far past 100 degrees.
Texas abortion law unleashes bounty hunters
Some in Arizona have already praised this ruling and said we should do it here in 2022. Those claiming to be “pro-life” are not – or they would get a shot and wear a mask, oppose the death penalty, leave water in the desert, pay for maternal health care etc.
Facts to save lives
While those who have had the shots could still get the virus, the statistics show it will be a mild rather than a deadly case. Remember, even the lifesaving polio vaccine was not 100% fool proof, but it stopped an epidemic and saved millions of lives worldwide.
Child Tax Cut helps me be the mom I want to be
The Child Tax Cut helps me be the mom I want to be for my kids. Knowing that each month will be a little easier, a little less stressful, isn’t a small thing. Every parent deserves that kind of peace of mind and every child deserves to grow up in that kind of home.
Consider a professional association, not a union
While we as professional associations don’t always agree on legislative policy, we did agree the recent initiative by the Service Employees International Union was bad for the health and health care of Arizonans and would hurt health care workers. My intention is that insight helps enlighten health care professionals and the public for alternatives to out-of-state unions and their influence on A[...]
Public schools now costlier than college
Arizona public schools just hit a major milestone — they’re officially more expensive than the full freight tuition cost of sending a child to college at a four-year university here in the Grand Canyon State.