Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
Let’s play a game called spot the CD1 candidates
Begay has jumped into the CD1 race, ending months of speculation that first gained traction following his decision to switch parties in November of last year. In a statement today, Begay said he wants to continue “being a voice, that’s finally heard, advocating for our resilient, hard-working communities.”
Scott Smith leads Andy Biggs in CD5 poll
A poll shows former Mesa Mayor Scott Smith leading Biggs by seven points in a head to head matchup in CD5. In the poll, Smith captured 33 percent of the vote, compared to Biggs’ 26 percent.
Endorse me, endorse me not
Rumors have been swirling for a week that Begay is going to run in CD1, and the speculation hit fever pitch last night, when sources reached out to several of […]
For a Super Tuesday explanation, please see pic below
Trump’s dominance in yesterday’s Super Tuesday primaries once more spawned deep introspection in Arizona and elsewhere about what it means for the GOP, and a lot of recrimination about why […]
Expect no waltz for Biggs in CD5
A politically active source in the East Valley assured our reporter yesterday that, despite a number of potential candidates already turning down the opportunity to run in CD5, Biggs will […]
Ducey gets to keep his chief of staff
Kirk Adams took his name out of the running for CD5 this morning with a Facebook post announcing that he would remain as Ducey’s chief of staff. To read more […]
So, who wants to be Ducey’s next chief of staff?
Kirk Adams’ comments in a Republic story on possible CD5 candidates following Salmon’s decision to retire left many observers surmising that Ducey will soon be in the market for a new chief […]
It’s like winning the lottery
The Capitol community today woke up to a game-changer: After just two consecutive terms, Salmon has decided to retire from Congress. His reason was straightforward: “The most important job I have is that of husband and father, and over the years I’ve missed far too many opportunities to spend time with my family.”
Goldwater Institute: Is the Sheriff breaking the law?
Goldwater Institute: Is the Sheriff breaking the law?
What’s inefficiency to some
Ducey and lawmakers have perennially touted charter schools’ highest achievements, including the reputation by some as among the best in the country. But a new study by the Grand Canyon Institute, a centrist research group, claims that charters are financially inefficient.