Senate kills expansive zoning deregulation plan
The Senate killed a bill with some bipartisan opposition– and a hint of bipartisan support– on Monday that would have drastically cut down on zoning restrictions statewide in the sponsor’s hopes of increasing Arizona’s affordable housing supply.
Gress aims to help mobile home dwellers facing eviction
Rep. Matt Gress, R-Phoenix, is amending a bill to increase compensation for mobile home owners, including residents of three parks in Phoenix currently facing eviction and homelessness. The bill passed the Senate Commerce Committee on Wednesday, but it didn’t have unanimous support.
‘Subject-matter experts’ on elections draw skepticism
Skepticism surrounding the 2020 and 2022 elections brought “subject-matter experts” into county board meetings, courts and legislative committees around Arizona. The experts contend their qualifications are applicable to assessing elections. But elections officials and those working in the elections field say the know-how touted by subject matter experts does not always translate and can, at t[...]